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    4.When compared to a regular-size box of a certain cereal, a family-size box of the same kind of cereal contains 10 more ounces of cereal and costs 50 cents more.


    Quantity A: the cost per ounce of the cereal in the family-size box

    Quantity B: 5 cents




    6.Let n be a nonnegative integer such that when 6n is divided by 75, the remainder is 30. Which of the following is a list of all possible remainders when 7n is divided by 75?

    A. 5, 35

    B. 10, 55

    C. 35, 60

    D. 5, 30, 55

    E. 10, 35, 60

    7.A package contains between 75 and 100 marbles. When the marbles are divided into as many groups of 6 marbles as possible, the same number of marbles are left over as when the marble are divided into as many groups of 7 marbles as possible.


    Quantity A:The number of marbles in the package

    Quantity B: 80



    9.80 percent of the people take part in an investigation, and 65 percent of those who take part in this investigation are students. What is the maximum percent of the students

    10.有一个集合是从1399的奇数(inclusive),(r, s)是一个点,要求rs,问满足这个条件的点有多少个。(真题汉语回忆版)

    11.11, 12, 13, 14, 15

    Which of the following changes to the list of numbers above would increase the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers but not affect their standard deviation?


    A. Adding the number 13 to the list

    B. Adding the number 20 to the list

    C. Multiplying each number in the list by 2

    D. Adding 3 to each number in the list

    E. Replacing the 15 with a 20

    12.The odds against the occurrence of an event are defined to be the ratio of the probability that the event will not occur to the probability that the event will occur.


    An integer is to be selected at random from the set of integers from k to n, where kn. The odds against the event that the integer selected will be an even integer are 1 to 0.95. Which of the following could be the integers k and n, respectively?


    A. 13 and 33

    B. 14 and 33

    C. 15 and 33

    D. 16 and 55

    E. 17 and 55







    17.x, y0x²+y²=1,问下面哪个选项must be true?(真题汉语回忆版)

    A. y1

    B. x1

    C. y1

    D. x+y1

    E. x+y1



    1-2 My grandma has a strong belief in all things           : she insists, for example, that the house in which she lived as a child was haunted.


    A. clamorous

    B. invidious

    C. numinous

    D. empirical

    E. sonorous



    6-5 Scientists said that cosmology was the field where the ratio of theory to data was (i)          : there was an abundance of theories, but almost no data. Recently, however, that ratio has flipped. A huge and ever-increasing amount of data has (ii)           all theories but one.



    11-5 At Cerro Portezuelo, the task of separating grinding tools from the larger collection of excavated stone objects was (i)           the ancient practice of recycling grinding tool fragments for building materials, hammer stones, and other purposes that (ii)           their original use.



    12-2 In a production process that is complex and often unpredictable, roles that start out discretely defined may become quite           .


    A. confused

    B. perfunctory

    C. independent

    D. overt

    E. exacting


    27-5 Given childrens active fantasy lives, one might think of truthfulness as (i)           virtue in young children, but it turns out that lying is the more (ii)          skill. A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying (iii)           cognitive development and social skills in a way that honesty simply does not.

    39-4 The contemporary trend whereby fashion designers flout mainstream tradition is unique only in its (i)          ; earlier fashion designers experience the same (ii)           impulse, albeit in a less extreme form.


    40-1 The medical professors thesishardly new, but rarely            by a faculty members of his distinctionis that patients are more than the sum of their symptoms and systems.


    A. discounted

    B. ignored

    C. subverted

    D. underestimated

    E. espoused


    48-1 Even those observers who are the most            about genetic privacy issues would have to concede that genetic discrimination is rare: there have only been two cases of any notoriety.


    A. sanguine

    B. zealous

    C. candid

    D. objective

    E. apathetic



    69-3 Throughout much of the twentieth century, common scientific sense seemed to dictate that animals could not make a choice based on rational or aesthetic criteria. Such choices were (i)           the mental capacity of humans. Scientists who (ii)           this animal-human cognitive division were often accused of anthropomorphism. 



    73-4 There has been (i)           elephants fabled mental capacities until recently, when these behavioral observations have begun to be (ii)           by brain science. MRI scans of an elephants brain suggest that even relative to its overall size it has a large hippocampus, the component in the mammalian brain linked to memory and an important part of its limbic system, which is involved in precessing emotions.



    85-4 Just as large manufacturing companies with dominant positions in large domestic markets were once able to resist (i)           despite ample signs that foreign competition was rapidly overtaking them, strong and wealthy states can (ii)           and still manage to limp along for many years.



    92-2 The wonder of Amy Chapman was her           , her tenacious devotion to certain causes.


    A. subtle allure

    B. refractory willfulness

    C. obstinate self-regard

    D. brazen hubris

    E. staunch fealty



    103-3 Psychologists note that in making purchase decisions, consumers often unconsciously use mental shortcuts, such as familiarity with a brand name to (i)           routine problems efficiently. Thus, part of what companies aim for developing a brand is very specifically to (ii)           consumers conscious thought.


    117-1 The employees tasked with modeling scenarios for their companys bankruptcy assumed that their work was merely        : none of them expected the firm to file for bankruptcy immediately. 


    A. a penance 

    B. an inevitability 

    C. a necessity 

    D. a liability 

    E. a contingency 



    123-6 Greenhouse gases emitted into atmosphere are virtually permanent, and because they (i)           in the atmosphere, their effects is (ii)          . These facts necessitate that policies related to greenhouse gases differ from policies related to various pollutants whose effects are (iii)           and often temporary.



    132-6 The general statement that all objects are (i)           by gravity (ii)           is not (iii)          . In reality, if a feather and a lump of iron were dropped at the same time from the same place, we should not expect them to hit the floor at the same time. In order to reconcile the general statement with real-world phenomena, we must take into consideration all of the forces that act upon objects.



    138-5 The chocolate company's scientists hoped that once they had (i)           the chemical makeup of cocoa beans, the knowledge would enable them to produce (ii)           the beans' taste, which could then be used to (iii)           future failures in the cocoa bean supply.





    真经GRE阅读机经350-Passage 44


    Exotic insect pests can produce both short-and long-term effects on forest ecosystems. Short-term effects include the disturbances directly associated with the action of the pest, which may cause the defoliation, loss of vigor, or death of trees. Long-term effects are primarily mediated by changes in tree species composition and the consequent alterations of forest structure, productivity, and nutrient uptake. Exotic pests are more efficient than most abiotic disturbances (e.g., fire or wind) at producing long-term changes in species composition. Pests often target specific tree species and, if they become established, they usually remain as permanent components of the ecosystem. Shifts in forest species composition ramify through the ecosystem in many ways because tree species have different, often unique properties.


    Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply. 

    1.The passage mentions which of the following as effects of exotic pests on forest ecosystems? 

    A. decreased vitality in trees
    B. defoliation of trees
    C. changes in forest structure 


    2. The author of the passage mentions the unique properties of tree species primarily in order to help explain
    A. why pests tend to target specific tree species
    B. why pests can have long-term effects on entire ecosystems 

    C. how pests contribute to shifts in forest species composition
    D. how pests are able to become established in an ecosystem
    E. how some tree species are able to withstand the effects of pests 

    真经GRE阅读机经350-Passage 47


    From the 1880s to the 1930s, the textile industry in Japan employed over half of all workers, most of them in the three major branches of silk reeling, cotton spinning, and weaving. Because the branches were highly diversein scale, skill requirements, and technologyhistorians traditionally have analyzed them separately. However, the workforces of all three were drawn primarily from the same population: young, mostly rural women aged 10 to 25. Noting this commonality, Hunter argues that a consideration of the three branches of production together is long overdue: examining elements common to the different branches of textile production may, she asserts, permit the identification of gender-based factors that may have influenced the operation of the Japanese female labor market as a whole.


    1. Which of the following does the passage cite as an explanation for historians traditional analysis of the Japanese textile industry?
    A. a common workforce population across all branches of textile manufacturing
    B. similarities in the skills required for silk reeling, cotton spinning, and weaving 

    C. the importance of the textile industry to the Japanese economy as a whole
    D. the high number of female factory workers employed within the textile industry 

    E. differences in the technology used in the three major branches of textile production 


    Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply. 

    2. It can be inferred that Hunter regards which of the following to be a shortcoming of historians traditional analyses discussed in the passage?
    A. their failure to examine factors common to the three different branches of Japanese textile production 

    B. their separation of the Japanese textile industry into three major branches based on differences in scale, skill requirements, and technology
    C. their failure to acknowledge the contribution made by rural women to the different branches of the textile industry 

    真经GRE阅读机经350-Passage 19


    The history of the transmission of ancient Roman texts prior to invention of the printing press is reconstructed from evidence both internal and external to the texts themselves. Internal evidence is used to reconstruct the relationship of the surviving manuscripts of a Roman text to one another, as represented in a modern stemma codicum: a diagram depicting the genealogical relationship of surviving manuscripts and those the stemmas editor believes existed at one time. Stemma are scholars only road maps to textual connections based on internal evidence, but they may paint a distorted picture of reality because they diagram the relationships of only those manuscripts known or inferred today. If surviving copies are few, the stemma perforce brings into proximity manuscripts that were widely separated in time and place of origin. Conversely, the stemma can also bestow a semblance of separation on manuscripts written within a few months of one another or even in the same room.

    One type of external evidence that may shed light on the transmission of Roman texts is the availability of a work in the Middle Ages, when many classical texts were circulated. Too often, though, too much is inferred about a particular works circulation in the Middle Ages from the number of manuscripts surviving today. When a work survives in a single manuscript copy, editors call the manuscript, rather glamorously, the lone survivor
    implying that all its (presumably rare) companions were destroyed sometime early in the Middle Ages by pillaging barbarians. It is equally possible that the work survived far into the Middle Ages in numerous copies in monastic libraries but were unnoticed due to lack of interest. The number of extant manuscripts, however few, really does not allow scholars to infer how many ancient Latin manuscripts of a work survived to the ninth, the twelfth, or even the fifteenth century.

    Quotations from a Roman text by a medieval author are another category of external evidence: but does the appearance of a rare word or grammatical construction
    or even a short passagereally indicate a medieval authors firsthand knowledge of this or that ancient work, or does such usage instead derive from some intermediate source, such as a grammar book or a popular style manual? Medieval authors do quote extensively from ancient authors; while such quotations provide some evidence of the works medieval circulation, as well as define its evolving fortunes and the various uses to which it was put, they may be far less useful in reconstructing the text of an ancient work.

    Much as scholars want to look for overall patterns and formulate useful generalizations, the transmission of each text is a different story and each manuscripts history is unique. Scholars must be careful not to draw conclusions that go beyond what the evidence can support.


    1. The passage is primarily concerned with which of the following?
    A. tracing certain changes in the methods used to study the transmission of ancient Roman texts.
    B. contrasting two types of evidence used in investigating the transmission of ancient Roman texts.
    C. outlining certain difficulties associated with studying the transmission of ancient Roman texts.
    D. advocating the use of one type of evidence about ancient Roman texts over the use of another type.
    E. explaining the development and potential uses and drawbacks of stemma in the study of ancient Roman texts. 


    2. As described in the passage, a stemma is most closely analogous to which of the following?
    A. a department store inventory list that excludes some departments
    B. a map from which a large section has been torn off 

    C. a chronology that includes only major historical events
    D. a family tree in which some generations are not recorded
    E. a government organizational chart from which some agencies are omitted 


    Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
    3. In its discussion of external evidence, the passage suggests which of the following about manuscripts of ancient Roman texts during the Middle Ages?
    A. It is possible that fewer manuscripts were destroyed by barbarians in the early Middle Ages than scholars frequently suppose.
    B. Additional copies of some so-called lone survivor manuscripts may have existed well into the Middle Ages.
    C. If an ancient Roman text is quoted in a work by a medieval author, then it is likely that at least one manuscript copy of that text survived into the Middle Ages. 


    4. Click on the sentence in the first paragraph that suggests that scholars might be led to underestimate the extent of the connection between certain manuscripts.


    真经GRE阅读机经350-Passage 66


    In recent decades, scholars of American literature have skillfully revealed authors simultaneous accommodation and resistance to an increasingly commercialized, capitalized environment during the early nineteenth century. Historians of the period have not, however, fully exploited literary criticism, due to the disciplinary boundaries that mark contemporary academic research. Few historians have extensive training in critical theory and its specialized languages, and the sheer volume of work in early American history and literature challenges anyone who would master either field, much less both. Moreover, historians study people across the nation, but much literary scholarship called American actually examines works produced in northeastern states. And historians usually study the operations of capitalism in its details, while literary critics produce a generalized picture of literary commodification.


    1. As discussed in the passage, the literary scholars and the historians differ in which of the following ways? 

    A. the amount of scholarship that they produce

    B. the nature of their geographic focus

    C. the extent to which they are critical of early capitalism

    D. the extent to which they are interested in interdisciplinary study

    E. The extent to which they restrict their focus to a particular time period


    2. The passage cites which of the following as a reason for historians failure to fully exploit literary criticism? 

    A. historians overly thematic approach to literature

    B. historians conservative notion of what constitutes literature

    C. historians lack of interest in critical theory

    D. the distinctive nature of much literary criticism

    E. the ahistorical quality of much literary criticism


    3. The passage cites which of the following as reasons for historians failure to fully exploit literary criticism?

    A. The amount of scholarship involved

    B. The distinctive nature of literary criticism

    C. The ahistorical quality of much literary criticism




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