Some people believe that a country will benefit greatly by a high percentage of young people going to university while others argue that it only leads to higher unemployment rate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
题目解读:这篇大作文是属于教育类的题目,提问方式属于双方讨 论的类型,主要是关于高比例的大学生是让国家受益还是导致更高的失业率这两个方面来展开讨论。这个题目可以写两个主体段,分别从两个方面的原因去回应题目。
正方: 高比例的大学生让国家受益
原因1: 受到良好教育的大学生能够成为这个国家有竞争力和全面发展的劳动力,有利于提高社会生产率。
University students who are well-educated can become competitive and all-rounded workforce of the nation, which is conducive to boosting the productivity of the society.
原因2: 大学生思想更加开放,这使他们在学术研究、科技和艺等各个领域有所创新。
Graduate students who tend to be more open-minded are highly likely to innovate in a wide range of fields such as academic research, technology and art.
原因1: 大学生的比例高会削弱他们的竞争优势,导致就业压力增大。
A high proportion of applicants with university diplomas in the job market may reduce their competitive edge, contributing to the increasing pressure of employment.
原因2: 一些大学生对工作的期待过高,他们宁愿失业也不愿意选择一些不合适的工作。
Some university graduates have excessively high expectation of their targeted jobs and they would rather be unemployed than take some unsuitable positions.
well-educated 受过良好教育的
all-rounded 全面发展的
open-minded 思想开放的
innovate 创新
conducive to (doing sth.) 有利于
boost productivity 提高生产率
a wide range of 范围广
competitive edge/advantage 竞争优势
targeted job 目标的工作
be unemployed 失业
University should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
题目解读:本题重点考察专业、科目问题,问是否同意 每个学科都要接收相同人数的男女学生。注意不是在考察男女分校问题,是针对科目和专业。可以从性别差异,选科平等,对就业市场影响来解读。
正方: 大学应该在每个专业上都设置一样的男女招生人数。
原因1: 男女可互相学习合作,学会与对方沟通,这对彼此未来社会生活有利。
The equal enrolment in subjects can provide both genders with an opportunity to learn from each other, which probably paves the way for future social life.
原因2: 将来就业市场,某些产业的男女比例可更接近,可能减轻性别歧视问题。
University not having gender quotas is likely to eliminate gender discrimination because there will be a comparative balance in the proportion of male and female employees in workplaces.
原因1: 男女优势不同,每个学科男女比例不均衡是很正常的。举例: 文学,计算机等等
Women and men are different and therefore it is not surprising that they choose different courses based on their personal preferences.
原因2: 学生有权利选择自己擅长的专业,大学不应该强制要求。
Students, regardless of gender, are entitled to select the subjects they excel in, which university should not deprive of.
原因3: 根据性别来招生实际上会最终降低整体学科的质量。这最终会导致某些领域专业水平下降,不利于整个社会。
The effect of choosing lower quality candidates of one gender will ultimately lead to the lowering of the overall standard of courses. This could result in lower professional standards in some fields and is not beneficial to society as a whole.
Social skills 社交技能
Cooperative 合作
Equality 平等
Inequality 不平等
Employment market 就业市场
Balance and diverse 平衡且多样
Competitiveness 竞争力
Compulsive 强制