学校:University of Southampton
专业:Global Advertising and Branding (MA)
南安普顿大学的 Global Advertising and Branding (MA)全球广告和品牌硕士
南安普顿大学(University of Southampton)位于英国英格兰南部的南安普顿市,这是一座历史悠久且现代化的海港城市。大学的地理位置优越,不仅紧邻伦敦,而且靠近英国的主要商业中心和文化景点,为学生提供了丰富的学习和生活体验。南安普顿大学以其卓越的教学和研究成果而闻名,尤其在工程、科学、社会科学和管理领域享有很高的国际声誉。
重点来了,这个专业今年调整了对于本科专业背景的限制,从原来倾向于接受例如Management, Business, Administration,HR, Public Relations, Communication,Marketing, Advertising,Journalism,Art History/History,Literature,Philosophy,且不接受例如Finance, Trade, Commerce,Media,Fine Arts: Painting, Sculpture, Drawing,Performance Art: Theatre, Drama, Music,Formal Science: Maths, Statistics, Computer Science,Natural Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Law,Languages / Linguistics- english included ,改为接受任何专业背景申请并个案评估。
You’ll need to include information about:
-your knowledge of the subject area
-why you want to study a postgraduate qualification in this course
-how you intend to use your qualification
It is my firm belief that enhancing my professional skills of advertising and branding will provide strong support for my future career plans. After completing my master’s studies, my goal is to work behind the scenes in the entertainment industry or join well-known media companies in China, such as Hunan TV and Zhejiang TV. This desire stems not only from the broader creative opportunities and higher industry standards these platforms offer but also from my aspiration to realize my media dreams on a larger stage. Skills in film production, program planning, and directing are undoubtedly core competencies needed for working behind the scenes in these large media companies or in the entertainment industry. Additionally, the multicultural environment in the UK will help me better understand and adapt to creative demands across different cultural backgrounds, laying a solid foundation for my career. As I accumulate experience and enhance my capabilities, I plan to gradually take on more project management and creative planning roles, striving to become a planner or director capable of independently managing large projects. These goals motivate me to continuously work hard in both academic and practical realms, preparing myself to meet future challenges.