1. Cover Page:
Research Paper Title, a clear and descriptive title, no more than 30 words. It should be centered horizontally and vertically on the A4 page. Both Chinese and English titles are required.
2. Abstract:
It should be understandable to readers unfamiliar with the project. Ideally, it is one paragraph of no more than 200 words that is separate from the main text.
This summary paragraph should be structured as follows:
a basic introduction of the research background;
a brief account of research methods;
a statement of the main conclusions;
contributions of the research results to the field.
3. Keywords: 3-5 words
4. Content:
The typical length of a 10-page article with less than 8 display items (figures and tables) is 3000 words. Each display item, with its legend, should occupy about a quarter of a page. Keep in mind that essential technical details can be explained in the appendix or supplementary information section of the paper.
Sections are separated with subheadings to aid readability. Subheadings may be up to 20 words.
The paper mainly contains the following components:
Literature Review
Research Method
Research Analysis
5. Reference:
There are 5 distinct references minimum and all references should be credible, come from reputable sources, and demonstrate depth of content and understanding. A reference page is required and is a separate page at the end of your paper where all sources you cite in the main text are listed. Please utilize a consistent format of APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), or Chicago style for your references.
6. Appendix(optional)