弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia),简称 "UVa",是美国公立大学之一,为最初的 8 所 " 公立常春藤 " 和 25 所 " 新常春藤 " 成员。
学校位列 2022 U.S. News 美国TOP大学排名第 25 位,今年又回到了前三十的宝座。名校以人文社科专业见长,拥有世界闻名的法学院和商学院,在学术界享有美誉和广泛的影响力。目前,弗吉尼亚大学 2022-2023 附加文书题目要求已新鲜出炉,而且在往年的基础上改变了部分题目,那么我们来看看UVA 2022-2023 附加文书要求!
一、用大约 100 个单词回答与你选择的学校 / 学院相关的问题。
文理学院:如果你能开设一门所有 UVA 学生都会参加的大学课程,你会开设什么课程?为什么?
College of Arts & Sciences: If you could create a college course that all UVA students would take, what would it be about and why?
School of Engineering:How will you use an engineering degree to change the world for the better?
School of Architecture: Describe a significant experience that deepened your interest in studying in the School of Architecture.
School of Nursing: Describe a health care-related experience or another significant interaction that deepened your interest in studying Nursing.
Kinesiology Program: Describe an experience that has deepened your interest in studying kinesiology.
二、请从以下 10 个问题中选择 2 个作答,每个选项大约 50 个单词。1. What 's your favorite word and why?2. We are a community with quirks, both in language and in traditions. What is one of your quirks?我们是一个有怪癖的社区,无论是在语言上还是在传统上。你的怪癖之一是什么 ?3. About what topic could you speak for an hour?4. Take us to your happy place.5. You can wake up tomorrow and a skill you already have will become expert-level. What skill is that?如果你明天醒来,已经拥有的技能将成为专家级别。那是什么技能 ?6. What is the last gift you gave something that wasn ’ t bought with money?
7. What website is the internet missing?8. After a challenging experience, how do you recharge?9. Tell us about a place you 'd like to share with everyone, but also keep to yourself.告诉我们一个你想和大家分享,但又不想让别人知道的地方。10. UVA students paint messages on Beta Bridge when they want to share information with our community. What would you paint on Beta Bridge and why is this your message?当弗吉尼亚大学的学生想要与我们的社区分享信息时,他们会在 Beta 桥上绘制信息。你会在 Beta 桥上画什么,为什么这是你的信息 ?