每年,黄老师带广西大学的学子们收获QS 50以内的录取offer是非常有经验的,也非常感谢各位广西大学的同学能在朋友同学和老师的推荐下联系到我。
本专业是分两个部分回答问题,每个回答不超过500 words,黄老师给大家展示一下部分文书思路:
1. Why I am motivated to apply for this particular program and how it would contribute to my career aspirations
I have always believed that literature offers a powerful medium not only for exploring the past but also for understanding how our world continues to evolve. The MSc in English Literature: Literature and Modernity at the University of Edinburgh aligns perfectly with my desire to study literary modernism and postmodernism while critically engaging with the cultural and political changes of the 20th and 21st centuries.
2. My relevant experience and qualifications
Throughout my academic career, I have been deeply engaged with literature, particularly in understanding how it intersects with broader social and historical forces. While my major at Guangxi University focuses on Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, I have continuously sought out opportunities to study and engage with literature, recognizing its importance in shaping cultural and political identities.
Courses such as Introduction to Literature and Foreign Literature allowed me to explore a range of literary traditions and to understand how different cultures articulate their experiences through writing. These studies laid the groundwork for my fascination with modernist and postmodernist literature, especially in how writers use experimental techniques to capture the fragmented nature of modern life. My experience in Intercultural Communication further broadened my perspective, helping me see how language and literature can serve as bridges between cultures, something that I intend to explore further through the transnational aspects of modernist writing.
The MSc in English Literature: Literature and Modernity will provide the intellectual rigor and creative freedom I need to refine my writing and critical thinking. By immersing myself in the literary innovations of the 20th century and beyond, I will gain a deeper understanding of how literature reflects—and sometimes disrupts—cultural narratives. I am eager to use this knowledge to contribute to contemporary literary discussions and to shape my own voice as a writer.
2024 年 QS 世界学科排名
在全球范围内,我们在英语语言与文学(9)和现代语言(10)领域位居世界前 10 名。
2021 年研究卓越框架
据《泰晤士高等教育》报道,排名基于我们在现代语言研究方面的质量和广度以及我们在英语文学研究方面的总体质量。它们来自最新的研究卓越框架 (REF 2021)——英国评估英国高等教育机构研究质量的系统
授课型研究生硕士课程是加强您现有技能、发展新技能以及集中精力于您最感兴趣的学科方面的绝佳机会。作为爱丁堡大学规模最大、最多样化的学院之一,文学、语言与文化学院 (LLC) 是您学习一年或更长时间、为从事一系列职业或攻读博士学位等研究学位做准备的理想场所。跨学科环境意味着我们的许多研究生硕士课程都借鉴了多个学科领域的专业知识,您将沉浸在学习的世界中,拥有无数参与课堂之外活动的机会。活动范围从研究和正在进行的工作研讨会,到阅读小组、会议、讲习班、表演以及在线期刊和论坛,其中许多活动都是由学生主导的。 爱丁堡大学的毕业生,他们很看重 LLC 的友好氛围、在这里建立的联系以及我们员工提供的深入指导,这些员工都是各自领域的专家。除了优秀的学校资源外,您还将受益于职业服务和学术发展研究所的建议和指导,以及大学出色的图书馆和收藏以及与爱丁堡及其他地区机构的战略合作伙伴关系。
-拥有Priority List上的中国大陆高校或其他受认可的高校的本科学位
不同专业有不同的要求,爱宝还是将所有专业分为四类:Band A/B/C/D,不同档位的专业针对List院校和非List院校均分要求不一样。
Band A:Priority List大学均分达到85%
Band B:Priority List大学均分达到80%
Band C:Priority List大学均分达到80%;非Priority List大学均分需要达到85%
Band D:非Priority List大学均分需要达到80%
也就是说,Band A和Band B类专业仅接受Priority List中的高校申请,而Band C和Band D类专业则面向所有高校,非Priority List高校的申请者需满足更高的成绩要求。那么对于本次案例分享的主人公,因为感兴趣的专业是文学大类,专业名词是“英语文学:文学与现代性:1900 年至今”,且是下设在LITERATURES, LANGUAGES & CULTURES学院的课程,因此是按照Band C的要求来审理的,最低满足均分80%即可,其他方面在是择优录取。