Office of Undergraduate AdmissionsJohns Hopkins University3400 N. Charles St., Mason HallBaltimore, MD 21218-2683SAT(美国高考)
工程技术与工程相关领域(Engineering Technology and Engineering-Related Fields)
- 工商管理(Engineering/Industrial Management)
- 工程技术及相关领域,其他(Engineering Technologies and Engineering-Related Fields, Other)
- 纳米技术(Nanotechnology)
国土安全、执法、消防和相关保护服务(Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services)
- 恐怖主义和反恐运作(Terrorism and Counterterrorism Operations)
通信、新闻和相关程序(Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs)
- 语言交流与措辞学(Speech Communication and Rhetoric)
建筑学及相关科学(Architecture and Related Services)
- 城市区域规划(City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning)
多学科研究(Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies)
- 自然科学(Natural Sciences)
- 博物馆学(Museology/Museum Studies)
- 行为科学(Behavioral Sciences)
- 认知科学(Cognitive Science)
- 多/跨学科研究,其他(Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other)
计算机和信息科学和支持服务(Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services)
- 计算机信息科学,概述(Computer and Information Sciences, General)
- 计算机系统及通信网络(Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications)
- 信息科学(Information Science/Studies)
- 计算机和信息系统安全保障(Computer and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance)
数学与统计学(Mathematics and Statistics)
- 数学,概述(Mathematics, General)
- 统计数学,其他(Mathematics and Statistics, Other)
- 应用数学,概述(Applied Mathematics, General)
- 教育管理,概述(Educational Leadership and Administration, General)
- 辅导员教育(Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services)
- 幼儿早期个别教育(Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs)
- 数学师范(Mathematics Teacher Education)
- 教育管理和监督,其他(Educational Administration and Supervision, Other)
- 残疾人群教育(Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities)
- 音乐师范(Music Teacher Education)
- 教育教学和专业发展,其他(Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Subject Areas, Other)
- 课程和指导(Curriculum and Instruction)
- 小学教育与教学(Elementary Education and Teaching)
- 天赋特长教育(Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented)
- 阅读教育师范(Reading Teacher Education)
- 科学(理科)师范(Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education)
- 城市教育管理(Urban Education and Leadership)
- 教育教学技术(Educational/Instructional Technology)
- 师范教育和专业发展,其他(Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other)
- 教育,其他(Education, Other)
- 自闭症人群的教育学(Education/Teaching of Individuals with Autism)
- 特殊学习障碍人群教育(Education/Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities)
- 中学教育与教学(Secondary Education and Teaching)
- 教育学,概述(Education, General)
- 高等教育管理(Higher Education/Higher Education Administration)
- 英语教学(作为第二语言或外语)(Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor)
- 系统工程学(Systems Engineering)
- 化学工程(Chemical Engineering)
- 工业工程学(Industrial Engineering)
- 土木工程,概述(Civil Engineering, General)
- 工程学,其他(Engineering, Other)
- 原料工程(Materials Engineering)
- 计算机工程,概述(Computer Engineering, General)
- 机械工程,概述(Mechanical Engineering)
- 工程学,概述(Engineering, General)
- 电力和电子工程(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
- 机电一体化(自动化)工程(Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering)
- 工程力学(Engineering Mechanics)
- 航空航天工程(Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical/Space Engineering)
- 生化工程及生物医学工程(Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering)
- 环保工程(Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering)
卫生专业及相关项目(Health Professions and Related Programs)
- 母婴健康(Maternal and Child Health)
- 医药学(Medicine)
- 护理管理(Nursing Administration)
- 遗传咨询顾问(Genetic Counseling/Counselor)
- 助产护士(Nurse Midwife/Nursing Midwifery)
- 注册护士(Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse)
- 公共卫生,其他(Public Health, Other)
- 健康行政管理(Health/Health Care Administration/Management)
- 临床护理师(Clinical Nurse Specialist)
- 生物/医学伦理学(Bioethics/Medical Ethics)
- 医学图解(Medical Illustration/Medical Illustrator)
- 健康服务管理(Health Services Administration)
- 临床医疗学,其他(Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other)
- 心理健康咨询(顾问)(Mental Health Counseling/Counselor)
- 心理和社会健康服务,其他(Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other)
- 医学信息学(Medical Informatics)
- 职业卫生与工业卫生(Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene)
- 环境健康学(Environmental Health)
- 注册护理、护理管理、护理科研和临床护理,其他(Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing, Other)
- 医学预科(Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies)
- 公共健康教育及推广(Public Health Education and Promotion)
- 公共卫生和保健学(Community Health and Preventive Medicine)
- 国际公共卫生(International Public Health/International Health)
- 公共卫生,概述(Public Health, General)
社会科学(Social Sciences)
- 人类学(Anthropology)
- 考古学(Archeology)
- 社会科学,其他(Social Sciences, Other)
- 政治科学与政府学,其他(Political Science and Government, Other)
- 社会学(Sociology)
- 经济,概述(Economics, General)
- 国际关系与国际事务(International Relations and Affairs)
- 社会科学,概述(Social Sciences, General)
- 政治科学与政府学,概述(Political Science and Government, General)
- 地理(Geography)
外语、文学与语言学(Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics)
- 德语语言文学(German Language and Literature)
- 拉丁语言文学(Latin Language and Literature)
- 浪漫语言文学研究,概述(Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General)
- 法语语言文学(French Language and Literature)
- 经典语言文学,概述(Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General)
自然资源与保护(Natural Resources and Conservation)
- 环境学(Environmental Studies)
通信技术/技术人员和支持服务(Communication Technologies/Technicians and Support Services)
- 录音艺术技术(Recording Arts Technology/Technician)
- 无线电及电视广播技术(Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician)
哲学与宗教研究(Philosophy and Religious Studies)
- 哲学(Philosophy)
地区、民族、文化、性别和群体研究(Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender and Group Studies)
- 女性学(Women's Studies)
- 中东研究(Near and Middle Eastern Studies)
- 美国文明研究学(American/United States Studies/Civilization)
- 东亚研究(East Asian Studies)
- 非裔美国人研究学(African-American/Black Studies)
视觉和表演艺术(Visual and Performing Arts)
- 编导(Conducting)
- 戏剧艺术,概述(Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General)
- 音乐(音乐史、著作及理论)(Music History, Literature, and Theory)
- 音乐表演(演奏),概述(Music Performance, General)
- 乐理和作曲(Music Theory and Composition)
- 音乐学,概述(Music, General)
- 鉴赏与艺术品保养(Art History, Criticism and Conservation)
- 音乐,其他(Music, Other)
生物和生物医学科学(Biological And Biomedical Sciences)
- 生物科技(Biotechnology)
- 生物统计学(Biostatistics)
- 分子生物学(Molecular Biology)
- 药理学(Pharmacology)
- 生物信息学(Bioinformatics)
- 生理、病理学及相关科学,其他(Physiology, Pathology, and Related Sciences, Other)
- 生物物理学(Biophysics)
- 生物(Biochemistry)
- 生态学(Ecology)
- 实验病理学(Pathology/Experimental Pathology)
- 生物科学,概述(Biology/Biological Sciences, General)
- 生物和生物医学科学,其他(Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other)
- 流行性传染病学(Epidemiology)
- 神经系统科学(Neuroscience)
- 解剖学(Anatomy)
- 细胞和分子生物学(Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology)
- 生物医学,概述(Biomedical Sciences, General)
- 动物遗传学(Animal Genetics)
- 细胞生物学和组织学(Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology)
业务、管理、市场营销和相关支持服务(Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services)
- 运营管理和监督(Operations Management and Supervision)
- 电子商务(E-Commerce/Electronic Commerce)
- 证券投资(Investments and Securities)
- 工商管理,概述(Business Administration and Management, General)
- 金融,概述(Finance, General)
- 人力资源管理,概述(Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General)
- 房地产(Real Estate)
- 商务,概述(Business/Commerce, General)
- 工商运营管理,其他(Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other)
- 市场营销管理,概述(Marketing/Marketing Management, General)
- 组织领导学(Organizational Leadership)
公共管理与社会服务业(Public Administration and Social Service Professions)
- 公共政策分析,概述(Public Policy Analysis, General)
- 公共管理(Public Administration)
- 心理学,概述(Psychology, General)
- 教育心理学(Educational Psychology)
- 教育心理学(School Psychology)
- 发育及儿童心理(Developmental and Child Psychology)
- 心理咨询辅导(Counseling Psychology)
- 心理学,其他(Psychology, Other)
自然科学(物理、化学、天文、地理)(Physical Sciences)
- 物理,其他(Physics, Other)
- 化学,概述(Chemistry, General)
- 物理,概述(Physics, General)
- 地理学,概述(Geology/Earth Science, General)
- 自然科学,其他(Physical Sciences, Other)
- 化学,其他(Chemistry, Other)
文科和科学,一般研究和人文科学(Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities)
- 文科和理科/人文科学(Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies)
- 人文科学(文理必修),其他(Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other)
- 人文科学(Humanities/Humanistic Studies)
- 历史,概述(History, General)
- 科技史及科技哲学(History and Philosophy of Science and Technology)
英语语言文学/文学(English Language and Literature/Letters)
- 英语语言文学,概述(English Language and Literature, General)
- 创意写作(Creative Writing)
除了保持好的绩点、建议增加量化背景和注意文书的书写, 做好充分准备后申请适合的轮次,做好面试的录制。
约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University),简称Hopkins或JHU,成立于1876年,是一所世界顶 级的著 名私立大学,美国第一所研究型大学。