约翰斯·霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University),简称Hopkins或JHU,成立于1876年,是一所世界顶 级的著 名私立大学,美国第一所研究型大学,位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市;首都华盛顿特区。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学不仅拥有全球顶 级的医学院、公共卫生学院、国际关系学院,其生物工程、空间科学、社会与人文科学,音乐艺术等领域的卓越成就也名扬世界。该校医学院的教学研究单位约翰斯·霍普金斯医院(JHH)连续21年被评为全美zui佳医院。东部沿岸平原夏热冬温,生长季较长,超过200日。1月平均气温为2℃;7月平均气温为23℃。平均年降水量为1070毫米,冬雪不多。 山麓丘陵区略具大陆性,1月平均气温为1℃;7月为24℃。年降水量在1000毫米左右,雪量较多。生长季为160~200日。山地冬季气温常在0℃之下,雪量更多;夏季凉爽,7月平均气温在20℃以上,生长季只有160日。
项目名称:Master of Science in Engineering (MSE)
Essay Option论文选择
Students writing an essay will successfully complete a coordinated sequence of eight courses and graduate research, and submit a master’s essay (sometimes known as a “thesis”). The degree typically requires three to four semesters of study.
There are two options to complete the essay:
l Conduct Laboratory Research进行实验室研究
Work with world-renowned engineering professors by conducting original research to produce an essay worthy of publication.
l Work in a Cooperative Educational Environment (Co-Op) 在合作教育环境下工作
To broaden the practical training for master’s students, the Institute for Nanobiotechnology (INBT) teams with companies to provide an immersive master’s industry “co-op” experience in a professional working environment. Goals and objectives are developed for the student in conjunction with faculty and INBT academic advisors, which will be used to complete the master’s essay.
l Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) All-Course Option
Students completing an “all-course” degree will successfully complete a coordinated sequence of ten courses. A master’s essay or thesis is not required for this degree, which typically requires three semesters of study.
Both options provide students with an intensive exposure to advanced topics in mechanical engineering and strengthens understanding of engineering fundamentals.
l Mechanical Engineering in Biology and Medicine生物和医学的机械工程
l Micro/Nanoscale Science and Engineering微/纳米科学与工程
l Mechanics and Materials力学和材料
l Robotics
l Systems, Modeling, and Control
l Energy and the Environment能源与环境
This research area focuses on energy and environmental problems in both natural and engineered systems, as well as in interactions between the two.
Atmospheric flows and boundary layer turbulence are investigated through large eddy simulations, reduced order modeling, and direct numerical simulations of the underlying physics for applications ranging from flow through canopies and engineered systems such as large wind farms and urban centers. Modeling and analysis of energy produced by renewable sources along with their integration into the electric power grid and power grid optimization is also an active area of investigation.
Laboratory and field experiments are performed to study a variety of ocean phenomena such oil-mixing and dispersion, bubble dynamics, and stratified flows. Experiments are complemented with large-scale GPU-based simulations. Heat transfer and heat transfer enhancement techniques are studied experimentally using imaging techniques, and computationally using high-fidelity simulation tools.
Applications include energy processes and equipment involving single-phase and phase change phenomena. Laboratory investigations of performance, flow instability and cavitation in turbomachines focus on applications to naval, aviation, and automotive systems. Energy conservation issues and life cycle analysis in applications such as refrigeration systems are additional areas of research.
l Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Processes流体力学和热过程
Research in the thermo-fluids area covers a broad range of fundamental and applied topics. A strong focus is on turbulence and its diverse aspects, investigated by theoretical, computational and experimental methods. Stability, transition, mixing, the dynamics of small-scale structures and LES modelling are major aspect of the theoretical and computational work.
The data-intensive character of this research is actively supported by the University. Turbulent flows in the environment, such as boundary layers in the coastal ocean and in the atmosphere, in turbomachinery, wind farms and others are studied over a broad range of scales. A strong emphasis on optical methods puts the department at the forefront of research in three-dimensional unsteady complex flows such as those occurring in centrifugal pumps and cavitation. Several heat transfer processes, such as boiling and electronic cooling, are also studied by optical methods.
A recent area of activity in which these methods have proven very useful is the fluid mechanics of oceanic oil spills and their effects on oceanic life and their impact on atmospheric pollution. Computation is pursued to investigate biological flows, such as insect flight, voice production and blood flow, physiological acoustics, multiphase flows with suspended bubbles, drops and particles, transitional shear flows and the direct numerical simulation of turbulent and non-Newtonian flows. These activities strongly rely on immersed-boundary and other advanced numerical methods and avail themselves of recent hardware tools such as GPU-based computers.
学费: Per Semester $27,675
l Annually $55,350
a. 申请截止日期:Fall semesters:December 15, 2019
b. 英语语言要求:TOEFL 100+ / IELTS 7.0+
c. GPA要求:required
d. GRE要求:required
e. 其他材料要求:
l statement of purpose,
l transcript,
l three letters of recommendation
l $25 application fee for all applicants.