Master of Finance
Master of Finance (Enhanced)
Master of Management (Finance)
Master of Management (Accounting and Finance)
很多同学梦寐以求的都是第一个Master of Finance这个专业。这就是那个传说中每个Intake只有75个国际生名额的限名额专业。
The degree is recognised by the CFA Institute CFA机构认证课程
Skill-up for the new frontiers of finance: students can take electives in new subjects like Fintech and Data Analysis. Finance相关最领先课程例如:Fintech 和 Data Analysis
#1 Accounting and Finance Australia & # 18Accounting and Finance globally本科金融相关专业,均分75分(Australia Undergraduate)An undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline with a weighted average mark of at least H2A (75%)
需要完成过以下的专业课程:Studies (12.5 points each) in Accounting (level 1), Corporate Finance (level 2), Investments (level 3) and Derivatives (level 3) or their equivalents
Personal statement outlining why they wish to be considered for the course(如果不会书写申请Personal statement的同学,可以扫码联系澳洲新东方顾问老师咨询相关文书服务。)
GMAT or GRE (本科澳洲读的同学可豁免)
以上基本要求,符合以上要求的同学,可以进入Ranking Applications。