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    It's that time of the year again. Schools are out, swimsuits are in, and if you live in Texas you are baking cookies right from your car. The moment summer comes along everyone starts their preparations to kick back, relax, and forget about school - unless you are a high school student in your junior year.


    If that sounds like you, this summer will be one of the most important summers in your high school career and you should try to make the most of it. Ideally you are already on your way to a summer program at a university in the US, but if you are unable to attend one of these programs it doesn't mean you have to be left behind. Here are a few things you can do this summer vacation to make sure you keep up with the competition.

    Nothing beats the smell of new car and fresh batch of cookies 


    1. Develop your interests 

        If you feel like you still don't know what you want to study in college, summer vacation is the perfect time to immerse yourself in your interests and narrow down the list of possible majors to choose from. Try and spend some time on the things you are passionate about and enjoy doing. Look into the subjects you are interested in and try to learn more about them. We've all heard the story of that one student who liked instant noodles so much he spent his summer traveling the world trying out all the noodles he could get his hands on. While eating noodles isn't exactly the most amazing activity out there, the fact that the student went through great lengths to demonstrate his passion for his unusual hobby says a lot about him. He probably won't find a job as a professional noodle taster, but we can infer from his actions that he will put a lot of dedication into the things he is passionate about and universities like that. Start making a list of all the subjects you are interested in and try to learn more about them. Find an internship, do researches, read books, do whatever it takes to see if you actually like that subject.  


    2. Read a book 

        There is no denying it; reading is an essential skill for any university student in the making. Long, sleepless nights await those who look to do well in school, so it is a good idea to get into the habit of reading. Reading has a significant number of benefits: it can help you deal with stress, it will improve your vocabulary and memory, it will help you develop stronger analytical thinking skills, and it can give you improved focus and concentration. These are only a few of the benefits of reading, so start looking for a book that catches your eye, find a comfortable place to read, and get lost in the pages. If you are looking for book recommendations, make sure to ask your FC! 


    3. Do School Research 

        There are a lot of different things you can do research on: schools, majors, professors, best cafeteria food. Summer time is the best time to figure out the things that are important to you when it comes to finding your school of best fit. Make use of this time by listing out the most important things a school needs to have to help you reach your objectives. Try not to focus too much on rankings. Instead, look for schools based on the programs and majors that they offer. Once you have a list of schools that excel in the subject(s) you are interested in studying, start narrowing it down by adding the smaller yet important things you care about: location, school size, weather, etc. You should try to have a preliminary school list ready by the time summer is over so you can go over it with your FC. 


    4. Travel 

        If you want to experience more of the joy of life and expand your horizons, there is no better fix than traveling. Nothing beats the feeling of discovering a new world and the sense of wanderlust we achieve from meeting new people, trying new foods, and experiencing things from outside our comfort zone. You don't need to go to a new country to get all the benefits of traveling; all you need to do is hop on the next night train to a province you've never visited before. Just make sure to let your parents know where you are going and keep in touch! This will be the perfect preparation for living abroad for those of you who have never left your country, especially if you do it by yourself. 


     5. Keep a Journal 

        Some of the most influential people in history kept detailed journals of their lives. Those journals served two purposes: a permanent record for posterity, and cathartic release for the people writing them. Even if you don't think you need either, keeping a journal has great benefits you can enjoy immediately. Writing can do wonders for your health. Beyond keeping your creative juices flowing, regular writing can give you a safe release valve for the stresses of your daily life. The creative benefits of keeping a journal are also well documented. You've likely heard that the best way to get better at writing is to just keep doing it. That's true, but the benefits go deeper than just crafting better sentences. For example, regular writing can help you learn to process and communicate complex ideas effectively. It can also help you memorize important information, and brainstorm new ideas. Regular writing can be functional, too, and serve as a reminder of mistakes you've made, accomplishments you're proud of, and great moments you want to remember. For example, keeping a diary can serve as a track record of mistakes and successes. That written record can come in handy later when you're feeling down, but they can also help you right your personal ship when you're feeling lost.  



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