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      加拿大教育拥有全球顶尖的教育资源,那么顶尖中的顶尖,金字塔的塔尖到底是什么样子呢?今天我们就来看看,那些汇聚了全球政坛精英、富商巨贾后代们的精英私立学校吧,今天我们先来详解这一所:Brentwood College School



      Brentwood College School


      Brentwood is a progressive, co-educational boarding school for Grades 9 to 12, we are located on a spectacular 77-acre oceanfront campus on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.Since 1923, Brentwood has worked diligently to establish as a modern, transformative place of learning and leadership, mirroring the educational experience of a small college rather than a traditional boarding school. Prospective students are drawn to Brentwoods innovative tripartite approach to academics, arts, and athletics, as well as its nurturing boarding environment and strong university preparatory programs. Brentwoods unique tripartite scheduling creates unrivalled opportunities for student discovery and growth. Not only is Brentwood a remarkable place to make lifelong friends while gaining a world-class education, Brentwood truly is where students choose to be. Brentwood 是一所优秀的男女同校寄宿学校,面向 9 12 年级,位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华岛一个壮观的 77 英亩海滨校园内。自 1923 年以来,布伦特伍德一直在努力把自己打造成一个现代化的、变革性的学习和领导场所,展示小型大学而非传统寄宿学校的教育经验。未来的学生会被学校在学术、艺术和体育方面的创新三方方法,以及学校培育性的寄宿环境和强大的大学预科课程所吸引。独特的三方日程安排为学生的发现和成长创造了无与伦比的机会。布伦特伍德不仅是在获得世界一流教育的同时结交终生朋友的好地方,布伦特伍德确实是学生选择去的地方。 

      学校官网 www.brentwood.bc.ca 

      学校地址:2735 Mount Baker RdMill BayBritish Columbia 

      贝克山路 2735 号,米尔湾,不列颠哥伦比亚省 

      邮政编码:V0R 2P1 









      Grade8-Day Program2022-23 学年 8 年级的招生已开放,24个名额。(CA Citizens&PR 

      Grade9-12 Program 

      Ø Grade9 - Foundation Year 基础年 

      ² English 9 

      ² Mathematics 9 

      ² French 9, Spanish 9, or Beginner Mandarin 

      ² Metamorphosis 9 


      Ø Grade10 - Exploration Year 探索年² 必修课 

      ² English 10 

      ² Mathematics 10 

      ² Science 10 or Science 10: Sustainable Engineering 

      ² Social Studies 10 

      ² Language*: French, Mandarin or Spanish 

      ² A Grade 10 Elective from the list below 

      *If a student is lacks background in the languages offered, he/she may take a second elective course instead.如果学生缺乏所提供语言的背景,他/她可以选择第二门选修课。 

      ² 选修课 

      ² Beginner French 

      ² Beginner Mandarin 

      ² Beginner Spanish 

      ² Coding 11: JavaScript 

      ² Coding 11: Python 

      ² Design 11 

      ² Introduction to Business 11 

      ² Science & Ethics 11 

      ² AP Seminar 11 

      ² or a Grade 11 elective, if deemed appropriate for the student 


      Ø Grade11 - Commitment Year 承诺年 

      Grade 11 is the “pre AP” year that provides the foundation for success in Advanced Placement exams in Grade 12. Advanced Placement is one option that allows students to pursue academic excellence; all students are encouraged to become involved in the wide range of opportunities at this level. In several electives there is the possibility of taking AP exams in Grade 11. In today’s increasingly competitive and expensive post-secondary institutions, the experience of taking Advanced Placement courses is not only excellent preparation for university-level education but can also provide placement into higher level courses and credits to alleviate tuition burdens. 11 年级是AP”年,它为 12 年级的大学先修考试的成功奠定了基础。大学先修是让学生追求学术卓越的一种选择;鼓励所有学生参与这个级别的广泛机会。在一些选修课中,有可能在 11 年级参加 AP 考试。在当今竞争日益激烈和昂贵的大学院校中,参加大学先修课程的体验不仅为大学水平教育做好了出色的准备,而且还可以提供进入更高水平课程和学分,以减轻学费负担。  

      ² 必修课 

      ² A Grade 11 Language Arts course: English 11 or AP English 11 

      ² A Grade 11 (or 12) Math course: Pre-Calculus 11 or Foundations of Mathematics 12 

      ² A senior Social Studies course 

      ² A Grade 11 (or 12) Science course 

      *To bring the total number of courses taken to SIX, students select from the following Grade 11 Elective Courses要将所修课程的总数提高到六门,学生可以从以下 11 年级选修课中进行选择: 

      ² 选修课 

      ² 20th Century World History 12 

      ² Beginner Mandarin 

      ² Beginner Spanish 

      ² Chemistry 11 or AP Chemistry 11 

      ² Coding 11: JavaScript  

      ² Coding 11: Python 

      ² Comparative Cultures 12 

      ² AP Computer Science Principles 12 

      ² Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12 

      ² Entrepreneurship 12 

      ² AP Environmental Science 12 

      ² Financial Accounting 12 

      ² French 11 (or French 12 or AP French Language 12 ) 

      ² Geology 12 

      ² Human Geography 12 

      ² Law Studies 12 

      ² Life Sciences 11 or AP Biology 11 

      ² AP Macroeconomics 12 

      ² Mandarin 11 (or Mandarin 12) 

      ² AP Music Theory 12 

      ² Physical Geography 12 

      ² Physics 11 or AP Physics 11 

      ² Political Studies 12 

      ² AP Seminar 11 

      ² Social Justice 12 

      ² Spanish 11 (or Spanish 12 or AP Spanish Language 12) 

      ² AP Studio Art 12 

      ² or a Grade 12 elective if deemed appropriate for the student 


      Ø Grade12 - Leadership Year 领导年 

      Grade 12 is the leadership year. Students take on key roles in the houses and school as they prepare to graduate and begin their post-secondary experiences. The curriculum focuses on building skills to instill confidence into our students and empower them to make important decisions as they prepare to graduate and begin their post-secondary education. The Grade 12 electives include numerous AP options to potentially earn first year credit and gain entry into second year university courses. It is a year of support and collaboration with peers, advisors, university counsellors, and parents.12 年级是我们的领导年。学生在准备毕业并开始他们的高等教育经历时担任关键角色。该课程的重点是培养技能,以向学生灌输信心,并让学生在准备毕业和开始高等教育时做出重要决定。12 年级选修课包括许多 AP 选项,有可能获得第一年学分并进入大学二年级课程。这是与同龄人、顾问、大学辅导员和家长一起支持和合作的一年。 

      ² 必修课 

      ² English 12 or Literary Studies 12 or AP English Literature & Composition 12 

      *Along with English, students choose four or five of the following elective courses targeted towards gaining entry into a university faculty of their choice:除了英语,学生还可以选择以下四门或五门选修课程,以进入他们选择的大学院系专业 

      ² 选修课 

      ² 20th Century World History 12 

      ² Advanced Topics in Math 12 

      ² Anatomy & Physiology 12 

      ² AP Art History 12 

      ² AP Biology 12  

      ² Calculus 12 or AP Calculus AB 12 

      ² Chemistry 12 or AP Chemistry 12  

      ² Communication Orale 12 

      ² Comparative Cultures 12 

      ² AP Comparative Government & Politics 12 

      ² AP Computer Science Principles 12 

      ² Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12 

      ² Creative Writing 12 

      ² Entrepreneurship 12 

      ² AP Environmental Science 12 

      ² Financial Accounting 12 

      ² Foundations of Mathematics 12  

      ² French 12 or AP French Language 12 

      ² Geology 12 

      ² Human Geography 12 

      ² Law Studies 12 

      ² AP Macroeconomics 12 

      ² Mandarin 12 

      ² AP Microeconomics 12 

      ² AP Music Theory 12 

      ² Physical Geography 12 

      ² Physics 12 or AP Physics 12 

      ² Political Studies 12 

      ² Pre-Calculus 12  

      ² AP Psychology 12 

      ² AP Research 12 

      ² Social Justice 12 

      ² Spanish 12 or AP Spanish Language 12 

      ² AP Studio Art 12 

      ² AP United States History 12 

      ² AP World History 12 



      Ø Grade9-11入学条件 

      Due to the volume of applicants from Mainland China or Hong Kong, applicants from these countries must sit the SSAT test and email the Admissions Department at admissions@brentwood.bc.ca to let them know that the exam has been taken. When accessing the test online, the applicant must nominate Brentwood, where indicated, to enable us to access the results from the SSAT website. If the applicant forgets to do this, the test file can be re-entered afterwards to nominate Brentwood. Once we have reviewed the SSAT scores, we will inform the applicant if they can proceed with an application or not. 

      1. 提交SSAT成绩 

      2. 审核通过后可进入下一步申请流程 

      3. 学术推荐信/个人推荐 

      4. 在线测试 

      5. 面试/Skype面试 

      6. 体检 


      Ø Grade9-11学费 


      国际寄宿生:CAD 87000(含食宿) 

      CA Citizens&PRCAD 62200(含食宿) 



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