托福学术讨论(Academic Discussion)是托福考试中的一项重要题型,旨在模拟真实的大学课堂讨论场景,考查考生在学术环境中的英语写作能力。下面咱们来看看学术讨论的内容与范例~
听力理解:考生需要听取两位NPC(Non-Player Character,非玩家角色,此处指模拟的同学)同学对于该学术话题的观点和论据,并理解他们的立场。
“Your professor is teaching a class on education. Write a post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should express and support your opinion. Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.”
“Dr. Diaz Today, we will discuss a topic that is important for students and the public at large: namely, how to prioritize spending, given the limited funding available for schools. Some people think schools should spend more money on school teachers' salaries because it would attract more qualified individuals to the profession. On the other hand, others believe that the money should be allocated towards additional resources such as books and computers. Which viewpoint do you agree with?”
Kelly: “I believe that increasing teachers' salaries will improve the quality of education. If they earn more money, people will consider teaching as a viable profession rather than opting for private sector jobs. We need the brightest minds in the classrooms.”
Paul: “I acknowledge that school teachers already earn a decent salary and provide high-quality education. I’m not certain how much of an impact increasing their salaries would have. Nonetheless, schools always require new equipment or facilities. Knowledge and technology are constantly evolving and we need to prepare students with the most up-to-date materials possible.”
“I believe Paul’s perspective carries more weight. It is often argued that teachers should receive higher salaries to provide a better learning experience for their students, including personalized study guides and dedicated attention to students’ daily lives on a 24/7 basis. However persuasive this argument may seem, it does not hold true in practice. While it is possible that educators might feel more passionate about their jobs if they were compensated more generously, we must consider the inherent limitations of teachers’ time and energy — factors that cannot be changed regardless of salary increases.
Conversely, directing more investments toward advanced resources, such as AI-guided self-study programs, faster internet connections, and updated, comprehensive library collections, is likely to better meet students’ individual needs and allow them to explore their fields of interest more deeply. Therefore, I believe that allocating more funds to these resources is a more reasonable choice. By doing so, we can ensure that students have access to the latest technology and materials, which will ultimately enhance their learning experience and prepare them for the future.”