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    Bournemouth University



    英国国家计算机动画中心在1989年获得英国政府授权后成立。建立中心的目的是领导英国计算机动画的研究以及产业教育的方向。那个时候,英国高校对这个领域涉猎不多,而伯恩茅斯大学是起步比较早的。很多业界人士也参与了中心的创始讨论,随后学校向教育部申请,获得了授权。伯恩茅斯大学国家动画中心的毕业生在电脑动画业界非常受欢迎,尤其在电影特效领域。英国毕业生安德鲁·洛克利(Andrew Lockley)还因电影《盗梦空间》(Inception)和《星际穿越》(Interstellar)两次赢得美国电影奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖。每个星期至少有一位业界人士来学校做讲座,讲座的内容包括他们正在做的项目。同时,业界人士也告诉学生,他们需要什么样的人才,为学生将来求职做准备。

    专业一:MA 3D Computer Animation

    该课程涉及应用计算机动画的许多领域工作所需的技能,包括电影,动画功能,电脑游戏,电视制作,商业广告,插图,科学可视化,飞行模拟,虚拟环境,建筑可视化和互动媒体。毕业生曾参与过Blade Runner 2049, The Avengers, Solo: The Star Wars Story, Fantastic Beasts: The Crime of Grindelwald and Dunkirk等电影。

    专业背景:任何专业背景Our students come from a broad background and age group. Applicants in the past have studied or worked in the field of fine art, illustration, painting, sculpture, graphic design, architecture, traditional animation, 3D visualisation, scriptwriting, performance arts and photography. This is by no means an exhaustive list but should provide an idea of the creative disciplines successful applicants have originated from.


    作品集要求:You will be asked to submit a portfolio in support of your application. Your portfolio should contain a full range of visual material which illustrates your talents and working methods. It is not essential to include 3D work; we are more interested in your aptitude as an artist or designer.

    The portfolio only needs to contain your strongest work; pieces which you are comfortable discussing with your peers. Sketch books and notebooks are also advantageous as we are interested in how you generate ideas, your observational skills and their aesthetic appeal. Works in progress are also fine.


    Your portfolio will be reviewed by one of the tutors on the course and you may be invited to attend an online interview to discuss your application further


    专业二:MA Digital Effects

    该课程包括关于电影制作技术,绿屏,MOCAP,计算机图形原理,艺术与技术融合,个人研究和应用数字效果的系列理论与实践。MA Digital Effects和国家计算机动画中心是英国官方认可的Houdini认证学校。这款令人难以置信的软件现在处于VFX行业的最前沿,对于想要在这一领域取得进步的人来说,了解它是必须的。

    专业背景:任何专业背景 Although all subjects are considered, applications are particularly welcomed from recent graduates with a strong art based background, either through formal Undergraduate study of subjects such as Fine Art, Photography, Architecture, Graphic Design, Animation, Filmmaking etc. or from their own personal art practice. Those applying from a completely non-Arts background may wish to consider completing an Arts Foundation course first.

    Applicants from non-art based backgrounds such as computer science, maths or engineering can also make great MA Digital Effects students if they are able to demonstrate clear artistic ability.



    In support of your application to MA Digital Effects, you are required to submit a Digital Self Portrait and a Portfolio of Artwork.


    The Digital Self Portrait:

    Using image manipulation software such as Adobe Photoshop or Gimp Image Editor, augment a photographic portrait of yourself in a unique and creative way to reveal your inner powers. This should be an original piece of artwork specifically created for your application to us and is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your potential in this subject area. Examples of previous applicant Digital Self Portraits can be seen here. Please do not copy these examples, but use them as inspiration for your own interesting and imaginative composition. Digital Self Portraits should be submitted as part of your application using PNG, JPEG or TIFF image formats.


    The Portfolio of Artwork:

    This could include, but is not limited to examples of: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Graphic Design, Multi-Media, Fine Art, Motion Graphics, 3D Animation, 2D Compositing, 2D Animation, Filmmaking, Print, Fashion Design, Ceramic Design, Interior Design, Model Making, Textiles, Visual and Digital Effects. All portfolios must however include examples of Photography. You will need to demonstrate a capable well-rounded art based practice in your chosen specialism, with a good eye for detail, precision, colour and composition. The Portfolio of Artwork can either be submitted directly as part of your application alongside your Digital Self Portrait, or submitted as a document of webpage links to any personal artwork websites.


    Your Digital Self Portrait and Portfolio of Artwork will be formally reviewed by Philip Spicer - the MA Digital Effects Programme Leader, and where appropriate a formal offer to study with us will be made. If necessary, you may also be invited to attend an online interview to discuss your application further.


    We welcome applicants from any area of study who are able demonstrate good clear artistic ability in their Digital Self Portraits and Portfolios of Artwork.


    专业三:MSc Computer Animation and Visual Effects

    课程包含编程和脚本技能,并熟悉与计算机动画相关的特殊技术和工具。重点放在使用行业标准硬件和软件来开发这些技术。典型的例子包括开发用于测试新算法的C ++程序,编写着色器以支持渲染,以及开发用于创建新效果的脚本和工具。 学术方面提供主要研究领域的强大理论基础,包括计算机图形技术系列讲座,动画软件开发,计算机图形学原理,艺术与技术融合以及个人研究项目。


    For MSc Computer Animation and Visual Effects we are looking for applicants who:

    Enjoy working collaboratively with other students and academics

    Can focus their attention on more than one project at once

    A strong knowledge of object oriented programming is preferred

    Can adapt to varying demands/workloads

    Ideally have done some work experience within this field.



    In support of your application to MSc Computer Animation & Visual Effects, you are required to submit a portfolio of programmes / software / applications that you have developed (either individually or as part of a team).

    Please include links to repositories (GitHub, BitBucket etc) where we are able to access and view your code and assess your level of programming ability.

    Where a project is the result of collaboration please indicate clearly which aspect of the programme were your responsibility.

    Where applicable, dissertation projects and art portfolios may also be included.


    You should demonstrate a depth of knowledge in either software development, computer graphics, mathematics, physics or other engineering fields. Your portfolio will be reviewed by one of the tutors on the course and you may be invited to attend an online interview to discuss your application further.


    Royal College of Art(RCA)

    皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art)简称RCA,坐落在伦敦,英国皇家艺术学院的课程讲授者均为国际知名艺术家,从业者和理论家。皇家艺术学院已拥有国家最先进的设施和优秀的研究资源,并且有促进优秀创意和智慧的环境。皇家艺术学院欢迎来自世界各地的学生,皇家艺术学院拥有全球性伙伴关系,加强领导艺术和设计,文化和教育机构的广泛的联系,并且在业务方面,在国内和国际寻求合作伙伴。




    英国皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art不仅是创意的源泉,且极具特色,是全球艺术家和设计师最为集中的社会团体之一,每年吸引了无数来自世界各地的众多颇具才华的学生。许多从英国皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art毕业的学生已经对我们的日常生活产生了显著的影响,我们所穿的服装,参观的展览,驾驶的汽车以及购买的日用品,都有他们的设计作品。其毕业生在诸多创作性行业中成为领军人物。


    英国皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art现代化的图书馆拥有藏书超过7万册,每年订阅的期刊超过120份,为学生及教师提供了广泛可参考的艺术信息。图书馆还提供一系列优质的服务,包括彩色或黑白相片复印,图书馆设施查询系统等。大量的画室向广大学生开放,每间画室都配备专业的指导老师,随时给予学生专业的指导。学院拥有多个现代化的授课礼堂,提供包括互联网,OHP,PA系统,16/35mm胶片,录音录影及回放设备,等多种设施。最其中大的授课礼堂可以同时容纳136名学生。此外,学院还拥有多个视听教室与美术工作室,向广大师生免费开放并提供服务。学院还拥有大量电脑供学生与教职员工使用,每台电脑均配备最新最高级的应用软件,并提供网络学术指导,时时帮助学生解决课业困难。在大学的商店内,有名类繁多的艺术作品出售,还有部分毕业生的优秀作品在此展出、出售。



    2-year programme





    英国皇家艺术学院的整体教学思路和伦敦艺术大学的思路相差很多,其动画学院更强调学术的专业性,并致于培养较有针对性的教学环境。所以其动画专业被划分为三个独立的方向分别是:“Documentary Animation 纪实动画”“Experimental Animation实验动画”“Narrative Animation叙事动画”






    Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design(CSM)

    中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院 ( 英文名:Central Saint Martins) 简称:CSM,享有非凡的国际声誉,是伦敦艺术大学六所分院中最大的一所。它提供英国最多样、最全面的艺术与设计学位和研究生课程,从本质上讲,它才是一所完整的艺术学院。在全体师生的共同努力下,中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院以过去所取得的成就为基础,不断推进艺术与设计的实践和艺术与设计的教育之间的界限,力求再创佳绩。




    中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院从艺术和设计的实践及艺术和设计教育方面继续拓展未来。学院鼓励学生挑战现有准绳,毕业生均为领导及创新者。学院务求学生都能明白自己的潜质,为新世纪贡献而铺路。CSM相信其毕业生无论是艺术家或设计师,在我们日常生活架构上都扮演重要的角色。学生在学院可进修基础课程、学士、硕士至博士级课程。课程广泛,计有四大主流如艺术、纺织、时装 (包括新闻学) 传播设计 (包括电影、录像及多媒介传播) 及立体设计等。学院亦支持各项研究工作及老师个别研究等。




    2011年秋天,中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院搬到位于伦敦市中心 King’s Cross 的新校区,新落成的校区凝聚所有学科和学术资源,为伦敦最新的文化创意中心带来更多的合作机会和无限的潜能。


    中央圣马丁(CSM)Business of Fashion评选为年度全球最佳时尚设计类高等教育机构,从本科到硕士教育,从往届校友毕业后的业内成就到执教老师的学术水平和教学硬件,Business of Fashion向全世界50所时尚设计教育院校的10000多位在校大学生及毕业校友进行问卷调查,综合所有反馈得出以上结论。


    人物动画专业(Character Animation)





    London College of Communication(LCC)

    伦敦传媒学院London College of Communication)(以前的伦敦印刷学院)是伦敦艺术大学的6所学院中的一所。提供广泛的课程:平面设计、摄影、新闻、市场营销、电影(预科、本科、研究生和研究类课程)。2003年10月,伦敦传媒学院正式开放它的新教学楼,该楼拥有艺术级的媒体设备。伦敦传媒学院还开设了一系列新的课程,包括互动游戏制作、设计管理、公共关系、广告创意等。




    专业一:MA Animation

     1 year 3 months full time (45 weeks across a four-term model))


    专业背景要求:in either animation, illustration, visual communication, graphic design or closely related subject, and present a portfolio of moving-image work. However, we do not exclude candidates who have graduated from other less strongly aligned disciplines.



    All applicants will be expected to submit an electronic portfolio of a maximum of 20 images as part of their application. Your portfolio should have some examples of image-led and visual work from either education or professional practice. It should contain a minimum of five projects, and self-initiated projects are also encouraged.


    Of the 20 images, you should include an animation movie of minimum 60 seconds in length. In the 'image title' field, please state your role (animator, editor, sound, story, background) and techniques you have used. Preferably it should a personal work and animated entirely by yourself.

    At application stage, we are as excited to see a portfolio of strong image making that has a sense of sequential play, as we are to see an accomplished portfolio of animation work.

    As a student on the course you will have been selected for something specific you portray through your portfolio. This could be a strong illustration or design portfolio that indicates a desire to take work into the 3D space and work with sound in a time-based format, or an accomplished portfolio of animation work that indicates a commitment to focus on personal development through a further course of study.

    Applicants are usually interviewed by the course team before a place can be offered. Interviews will take place at LCC, or via Skype/telephone.


    专业二:MA 3D Computer Animation

    1 year 3 months full-time (45 weeks across a four-term model))

    专业背景要求:in either animation, illustration, visual communication, graphic design or closely related subject, and present a portfolio of moving-image work. However, we do not exclude candidates who have graduated from other less strongly aligned disciplines.



    All applicants will be expected to submit an electronic portfolio as part of their application. At application stage, we are as excited to see a portfolio of interactive materials that have a sense of sequential play, as we are to see an accomplished portfolio of animation work.

    Your portfolio should have some examples of image-led and visual work from either education or professional practice, with a focus on character performance and/or world-building.

    It should contain an animated showreel of minimum 60 seconds in length. Please state your role (artist, animator, editor, sound, story, background) and techniques you have used.

    Include a minimum of five projects and self-initiated projects are also encouraged.

    If you have links to online projects or media assets, please note these in your CV.

    As a student on the course, you will have been selected for a specific interest that you've demonstrated within your portfolio. This could be a strong animation portfolio that indicates interest in narrative and performance within feature-length animation, or an accomplished portfolio of animation work that indicates a commitment to focus on personal development through a further course of study.

    Applicants are usually interviewed by the course team before a place can be offered. Interviews will take place at LCC, or via Skype/telephone.



    University of Teesside

    Animation Career Review是THE专门为渴望从事动画、游戏设计、平面设计、数字艺术和相关领域工作的人的在线资源整合,受到相关领域专业人士的高度认可,自2011年成立以来每月累计访问量都高达15万,是行业内部极具权威的国际信息发布机构2013年Animation Career Review开始对整合信息进行分析评选发布各类专业排名,但主要针对美国大学,2014年开始发布世界排名信息,排名全方面综合评估了各院校综合教学质量及教学设施水平、在校生及毕业生作品质量、行业内专业知名度及学费开销等等因素,提赛德大学动漫专业从2014年就一直保持着世界前20的位置!



    英国提赛德大学计算机动漫和游戏专业是由全欧洲最早的研究生课程MSc Computer Aided Graphical Technology Applications(计算机图像技术应用)演变而来,是全英国历史最为悠久的动漫专业,除了ACR排名,在2016年我们的动漫专业也被3D World Magazine评为全世界第15!


    ●  提赛德大学是英国大学中动漫专业设置最全、实力最雄厚的大学之一,动漫与游戏专业综合排名位居英国第1位,被3D World 评为欧洲及世界水平。

    ●  提赛德大学是英国及欧洲最大的国际动漫游戏盛会——Animex国际动漫游戏节的发起校和主办方,足见其在欧洲动漫游戏领域的权威性和显著影响力。

    ●  提赛德大学动漫游戏教学设施居世界级水平。其投资2350 万英镑,建立动作捕捉实验室、录音棚、动漫后期制作设备、行为情绪控制摄像系统、情绪捕捉设备等,所有设备体现了国际一流水准和前沿趋势。

    ● 提赛德大学毕业生就职于Pixar, DreamWorks, Framestore, Sega and Ubisoft.等全球最好的行业机构,参与了大量科幻、动漫电影制作,如《变形金刚》、《盗梦空间》、《黑客帝国》、《指环王》、《蝙蝠侠》、《007 皇家赌场》等。





    专业一:2D Animation and Stop Motion MA

    专业背景:in animation, fine art or illustration.

    专业二:Animation MA

    背景要求: 2.2 degree (or above) OR significantly documented relevant industry experience



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