英国牛津大学圣希尔达学院招聘两年期英国现代史方向访问学者,要求博士学历,有英国及欧洲现代史本科教学经验。牛津大学(英文:University of Oxford,简称:Oxon.,来源于拉丁文:Universitas Oxoniensis)位于英国牛津市,是英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的大学 。
St Hilda’s College invites applications for a two-year eight-hour Stipendiary Lecturership in Modern British History from 1 October 2015. The person appointed will hold a doctorate in any aspect of British social and/or gender history in the period since 1800, and have experience of teaching modern British and European history at undergraduate level.
During term the lecturer will be required to undertake for the college eight hours of undergraduate teaching per week, averaged over three eight-week terms. The appointee will be expected to teach undergraduate papers in 19th and 20th century British and European history, and in historical methods and theory. The role will also include assisting with undergraduate admissions and graduate student advising, and other duties to support the subject and students at the college.
The salary for the post will be between £17,009 and £19,130 (current rates), depending on experience, and membership of the USS pension scheme is offered. She or he will be a member of the Senior Common Room at St Hilda’s College, and other allowances are available.
牛津大学(英文:University of Oxford,简称:Oxon.,来源于拉丁文:Universitas Oxoniensis)位于英国牛津市,是英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的大学 。有“天才与首相的摇篮”之称的美名。虽然牛津大学的确切创立日期仍不清楚,但其有记录的授课历史可大约追溯到1096年,迄今已有9个世纪。
牛津大学(英文:University of Oxford,简称:Oxon.,来源于拉丁文:Universitas Oxoniensis)位于英国牛津市,是英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的大学 。有“天才与首相的摇篮”之称的美名。虽然牛津大学的确切创立日期仍不清楚,但其有记录的授课历史可大约追溯到1096年,迄今已有9个世纪。大学规模自1167年亨利二世禁止英国学生前往巴黎大学就学开始迅速扩大。牛津大学的名称后缀常简写作Oxon,源于拉丁文“Universitas Oxoniensis”。尽管大学官方出版物采用的是Oxf。
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