多伦多大学的计算机系(Department of Computer Science)有以下研究生专业学位
Master of Science (MSc) 理学硕士学位
Master of Science in Applied Computing (MScAC) 应用计算硕士学位
02MSc Research Interest 理学硕士专业的研究领域
我们的研究领域涉及广泛,在申请时,申请人需要明确在研究生学习阶段想从事哪个研究领域的学习。 申请人可以选择1个研究领域作为第一志愿,同时还能选择2个作为第二志愿的专业领域。
Our faculty cover a broad range of research areas. You will be required during your application to indicate which research interest you would like to pursue during your graduate studies. You will be asked to select one of the research interests as your primary area of interest, and up to two more as secondary areas of interest.
Research Area & Research Interests 研究领域&研究方向
Artificial Intelligence 人工智能
Computational Linguistics 计算语言学
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 知识表示与推理
Machine Learning 机器学习
Computer Vision 计算机视觉
Computational Biology 计算生物学
Algorithms, machine learning and visualization for genomics, medicine, and systems biology
Computer Graphics 计算机图形学
Animation, rendering, geometric modeling, computer vision for graphics, machine learning for graphics, computational photography
Computer Systems & Networks 计算机系统与网络
Computer Networks 计算机网络
Systems 系统
Databases and Information Systems 数据库与信息系统
Data modeling, data integration, web data management and search, data cleaning, information retrieval, data mining
Health & Assistive Technology 健康与辅助技术
Applying interactive system design, computer graphics, mobile computing, machine learning, computational linguistics, and speech processing to problems of health and to enabling technology to be accessible to broader groups in society
Human Computer Interaction 人机交互
Computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), information visualization, input/output technologies, interaction techniques, user-centered design, computer-supported cooperative learning (CSCL)
Numerical Analysis 数值分析
Numerical analysis, numerical software, scientific visualization, financial computation, medical imaging, stochastic models
Programming Languages & Methodologies 程序设计语言与方法学
Design, implementation and use of programming languages, and in the methods and mathematics of program construction
Software Engineering 软件工程
Modeling and Reasoning about Software 软件建模与推理
Requirements Engineering 需求工程
Social media and collaborative work 社会媒体和协作工作
Sustainability Informatics 可持续发展信息学
Computational Models of Climate Change, Sustainability Analytics, Energy Efficient Computing, and Green IT
Theory of Computation 计算理论
Computational complexity and proof complexity 计算复杂性与证明复杂性
Cryptography and foundations of privacy 密码学与隐私基础
Theory of distributed computing 分布式计算理论
Graph theory 图论
Theory and analysis of algorithms 算法理论与分析
MSc in Applied Science (MscAc) 应用计算硕士
The program begins with eight months of advanced courses in computer science studying with Canada's leading researchers, followed by an eight-month paid internship at an information technology company where you will apply research results to real-world problems.
MscAc Concentration in Data Science 应用计算硕士数据科学专业
申请应用计算硕士的申请人,可以考虑申请数据科学专业,该专业开设于2017年。 在申请动机信中,需阐明对数据科学的兴趣以及学习该专业的目标。 该专业的课程设置基本同于MscAc ,除了4门选修课中的2门需要从统计科学系的课程中选择。应用计算硕士数据科学专业是由计算机系和统计科学系联合开设。
Students accepted into the MScAC program (starting in 2017) will be considered for the concentration in data science. Your letter of intent for the MScAC program must indicate an interest in data science and your objectives in pursuing this option.
The course load is identical to that of the current MScAC program, with the exception of two of the four course electives being selected from offerings in the Department of Statistical Sciences.
The MScAC concentration in data science is offered jointly by the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Statistical Sciences.
Applications for the MSc:12月15日
Applications for the Applied program M.Sc.A.C. : 1月31日
Applications for the MSc:
Applications for the Applied program M.Sc.A.C. :
托福 93 (writing 22, speaking 22)
雅思 7.0 (6.5)