近期高频:an appointment you missed(看病篇)
今天口语话题来个错过跟医生的appointment,不过剧情有点儿像电视剧,有点儿波折,喜欢波澜起伏的孩子可以参考:I’d like to talk about the time when I missed an important appointment with a famous doctor. Here’s the story.然后介绍跟医生是怎么勾搭上的。此处就可以加情节了,能占点儿时间。例如,有个困扰了你许久的顽疾(别太严重啊,不然你早挂了,而且如果都那么严重了居然还会miss掉跟医生的appointment,心得有多大啊……),看了好多医生吃了好多药甚至尝试了好多偏方,都不好使!不过此时一线希望(a glimmer of hope)出现了!一位名医来到你家乡,于是你妈咪抓住这个千载难逢的机会(once-in-a-lifetime opportunity),make了一个appointment!I’ve been suffering from a chronic allergy to certain food, dust and pollen for all my life, which bothers me a lot. My parents have tried countless ways to cure it. I’ve seen quite a lot doctors, tried various medicines, even home remedies, but it’s just so hard to get rid of.But things took a turn just a few months ago, my mom heard that there was a doctor from Beijing who’s a specialist in this field coming to my hometown for a visit.well, I don’t know the medical term for that, but it’s just something that famous doctors do all around the country to help patients. Anyway, many patients like me took this opportunity to make an appointment with him, it’s like he’s their last hope. His schedule was pretty tight, you can imagine how hard it was to make an appointment, but my mom, I didn’t know how, managed to put my name on the doctor’s list.然后,就是“错过”的部分了。此处给了大家雅思考试时候无限的自由发挥空间,平时大家错过任何事情的情节都可以放到此处!例如好朋友晕倒了,但当时只有你在,于是你把她送到了最近的医院,自己却错过了appointment。或者来个更狠的,你自己晕倒了:
However, coincidentally, we had a sports meeting on the same day of the appointment, and my friend who signed up for the 1500-meter race didn’t show up, so I was forced to take her place, but I’ve never done it before. I guess everyone overestimated my ability, after the race, I just fainted/blacked out, and I was sent to the hospital. By the time I woke up, I’d already missed my appointment.So… it’s kind of a shame, really.