1. 专业简介
2. 美国心理学专业分支及就业发展
① 行为和认知心理学:行为和认知心理学家研究认知过程,例如人们如何学习和组织信息以及这些过程如何影响行为。通过使用人类学习和认知处理理论,这些心理学家试图在适应不良行为中创造有意义的变化。该领域的具体研究领域是思想,知识,记忆和语言。这些职业通常在研究科学家模型中接受培训,可以在学术或研究岗位上找到。
Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology
Behavioral and cognitive psychologists study cognitive processes such as how people learn and organize information and how these processes affect behavior. By using theories of human learning and cognitive processing, these psychologists attempt to create meaningful change maladaptive behaviors. Specific areas of study in this field are thought, knowledge, memory, and language. These professions are often trained within the research-scientist model and can be found in academic or research positions.
② 临床心理学:临床心理学家评估和治疗有心理问题的人。通常,它们与患有慢性精神疾病的个体一起工作。他们可能与来自不同背景的各种各样的客户合作,或者他们可能接受过培训,可以与特定群体一起工作,如儿童,老人或患有特定疾病的人(例如精神分裂症)。它们可以在各种环境中使用,例如学术机构,医院,社区健康中心或私人诊所。在临床心理学领域,有许多专业,如临床健康心理学,临床儿童心理学和临床神经心理学。 *临床心理学家更关注与患有严重精神病理学的人一起工作,而咨询心理学家则与正在经历正常心理危机的人一起工作。 *
Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychologists assess and treat people with psychological problems. Generally, they work with individuals who are suffering from chronic psychiatric disorders. They may work with a wide variety of clients from many backgrounds or they may be trained to work with specific groups like children, the elderly, or those with specific disorders (e.g. schizophrenia). They can be employed in a wide variety of settings such as academic institutions, hospitals, community health centers, or private practice. Within the field of clinical psychology, there are many specializations, such as clinical health psychology, clinical child psychology, and clinical neuropsychology. *Clinical psychologists are more concerned with working with individuals with severe psychopathology whereas counseling psychologists work with individuals who are experiencing normal psychological crises.*
③ 社区心理学:这些心理学家研究人的社区而不是个人,并且在很多方面与社会学家相似。社区心理学家经常研究特殊人群,特别是可能存在情绪或行为困难风险的群体。他们经常与卫生机构,学校或社区办公室合作,为大量人群提供心理健康。
Community Psychology
These psychologists study communities of people rather than individuals and are similar in many ways to sociologists. Community psychologists often study special populations, especially groups that might be at risk for emotional or behavioral difficulties. They often work with health agencies, schools, or community offices to promote mental health for large populations of people.
④ 咨询心理学:与临床心理学不同,咨询心理学倾向于更多地关注在生活中通常遇到调整问题或问题的个体,而不是患有严重心理障碍的人。咨询心理学家帮助身体,情绪和心理健康问题的人们改善他们的整体健康状况并解决他们面临的问题。这些专业人员也可以与所有年龄段的个人,团体和人一起工作。
Counseling Psychology
Distinct from clinical psychology, counseling psychology tends to focus more on individuals with adjustment problems or problems normally encountered in the lifespan, not persons suffering from severe psychological disorders. Counseling psychologists help people with physical, emotional, and mental health issues to improve their overall wellbeing and resolve the problems they face. These professionals may also work with individuals, groups, and people of all ages.
⑤ 发展心理学:发展心理学家研究我们在生命中如何在智力,社交和情感方面成长。有些人只关注一个生命周期(例如童年或青春期),而另一些人则研究整个生命周期。他们通常在学术环境中进行研究和/或教学,但许多人担任日托,学校或社会服务机构的顾问。
Developmental Psychology
Developmental psychologists study how we grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally over the life span. Some focus on just one period of life (e.g. childhood or adolescence) while others study the entire lifespan. They usually do research and/or teach in academic settings, but many act as consultants to daycares, schools, or social service agencies.
⑥ 教育和学校心理学:教育和学校心理学家参与促进教育环境中儿童的发展。他们评估儿童的心理教育能力,并建议促进学习的行动。他们通常在教育学院接受培训,并在公立或私立学校系统工作。他们经常担任家长,教师和管理员之间的顾问,以优化特定学生的学习环境。
Educational and school psychologists
Educational and school psychologists are involved in enhancing the development of children in educational settings. Theyassess children’s psychoeducational abilities and recommendations to facilitate learning. They are typically trained in Schools of Education and work in public or private school systems. They often act as consultants between parents, teachers, and administrators to optimize the learning environment of specific students.
⑦ 工业/组织心理学:工业/组织心理学家主要关注人与他们的工作环境之间的关系。他们可能会开发新的方法来提高生产力或参与人员选择。他们受雇于商业,政府机构和学术机构。
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Industrial/organizational psychologists are primarily concerned with the relationships between people and their work environments. They may develop new ways to increase productivity or be involved in personnel selection. They are employed in business, government agencies, and academic settings.
⑧ 神经心理学:神经心理学家关注大脑/行为关系。他们可能参与临床工作,评估脑损伤患者,或参与研究,如尝试将认知活动与大脑活动中的大脑活动联系起来。
Neuropsychologists are concerned with brain/behavior relationships. They may be involved in clinical work, in the assessment of brain-damaged patients, or in research, such as attempts to relate cognitive activity to brain activity as seen in brain scans.
⑨ 社会心理学:社会心理学家研究我们的信仰,感受和行为如何受到其他人的影响。社会心理学家感兴趣的一些话题是态度的形成和变化,侵略,偏见和人际关系的吸引力。大多数社会心理学家在学术环境中工作,但有些人在联邦机构和企业从事应用研究。
Social Psychology
Social psychologists study how our beliefs, feelings, and behaviors are affected by other persons. Some topics of interest to social psychologists are attitude formation and change, aggression, prejudice, and interpersonal attraction. Most social psychologists work in academic settings, but some work in federal agencies and businesses doing applied research.
3.TOP 30 心理学专业世界名校
1.认知心理学(cognitive psychology):最好是心理学,生物,基础医学,数学,物理,计算机这几个专业毕业的或者具有很强的相关背景。文科背景建议不考虑。
3. 神经心理学:关注大脑/行为关系。他们可能参与临床工作,评估脑损伤患者,或参与研究,如尝试将认知活动与大脑活动中的大脑活动联系起来。
1.社会心理学 (social psychology): 研究方向颇广,主要的内容是考量在社会这个环境下人的心理问题。申请者应具备的基本能力:统计能力和实验设计。其余的则要看具体研究方向
4.定量心理学(quantitative psychology): 与统计相关密切,申请者必须有好的统计背景。
5. 咨询与临床(counseling or clinicpsychology):需要非常准确细致的懂得来访者语言,咨询不仅仅是技术(诸如催眠,自由联想,沙盘等等)而是一种科学和艺术的结合体
· Master of Arts
· Master of Science
· Ph.D.(博士学位心理学项目较多,而且在达到硕士水平时会授予硕士学位)
6. 就业前景
• 心理学专业学生就业领域广泛,包括企业,政府部门及其他非盈利组织,岗位涉及行政,管理,社区关系处理,项目开发,科研,人力资源,公共关系,军队服务,广告,市场研究,零售和销售。
• 担任的职位:社会工作者,校园心理学家,临床心理学家,律师,咨询心理学家,内科医生(精神病学家等),卫生保健管理者和心理治疗师。
• 此外, 卫生保健行政管理,社会工作,组织心理学,医学行业要求要有研究生学历或资格证书。校园心理学家,临床心理学家,人类服务,精神健康工作岗位要求有硕士或者博士学位,通常也需要各个州颁发的资格证书,有时还须先实习一年。内科医生必须通过各个州的从业资格证书的考试。
• If you are interested inexploring careers in psychology, such as counselling, social work, therapy,please look at the website http://www.allpsychologycareers.comto find more information.