3.5分及以下:该分数段的考生通常能够识别说话人重读出的重要且熟悉的单词。他们一般加 工不了连续的话语,通常能够听懂包括数字、时间和日期在内的一些常见词语。通过这段描 述,我们可以得到__
所以我们可以很明确的发现: 雅思的整体难度高于四六级考试,具体难点在:语速、话题的 丰富度,场景,单词量 。而考核的本质语言能力是一样的,听力中都考精听和抓听。到这 里,我们简单的得出一个结论:雅思更难。下面我们来具体看一下难在哪里:
1. 语速:
A New Jersey black bear that walks upright on its 2 back legs and has become a socialmedia darling has reemerged and has been captured on video month after its last sighting. The bear named Pedals was spotted in a town of Oakrage,in a video posted to Facebook featuring the bear it appear to be in relatively good health and was moving quickly.“Pedals apparently hasn't injured leg or pool that doesn't allow it to walk comfortably on all fulls.”according to experts. Laurance sportsman of the state for the state departmentenvironmental protection said,“Officials expect the bear to make it through next winter.The bear first gained fame after was sported the wondering around neighborhoods and was caught on videos that were posted on social media and showed on national television. Last year,supporters pushed for Pedals to be moved to a shelter. But New Jersey officials have said they won't allowed the bear to be captured and transferred to the facility.The bear would do better in its natural habitat on the agency would step in if its condition deteriorated they said.(186 单词 2017年12月卷)这段内容 读完用时2分12秒
Well, my group has been doing a project on how household waste is recycled in Britain.We were quite shocked to discover that only 9% of peopl e here in the UK make an effort to recycle their household waste. This is a lower figure than in most other European countries,and needs to increase dramatically in the next few years if the government is going to meet its recycling targets. The agreed targets for the UK mean that by 2008 we must reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 12.5%,compared with 1990. And recycling can help to achieve that goal,in two main ways: the production of recycled glass and paper uses much less energy than producing them from virgin materials,and also recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites and incineration plants. As part of our project,wecarried out a survey of people in the street,and the thing that came up over and over again is that people don't think it's easy enough to recycle their waste. One problem is that there aren't enough‘drop-off’sites,that is , the places where the public are supposed to take their waste. We also discovered that waste that's collected from householders is taken to places called‘bring banks’,for sorting and baling into loads. (216单词 剑桥真题C5)这段内容读完用时1分15秒
雅思的听力语速大概是四六级听力语速的两倍。四六级的学生听了雅思听力感觉是rap,而雅 思的学生听四六级等于0.5倍速的听力播放,就像年轻人听京剧,语速太慢。
2. 话题,也就是场景词汇(以下按照听力场景词汇的频率排序)
所以我们可以很明确的发现,雅思的场景词汇与四六级的词汇有很大的重叠性。事实上,一 般四六级的词汇量要求在4000-6000词,而雅思的词汇要求9000-10000词。 同时,我们也发 现雅思的场景基本覆盖了学生生活的方方面面,不仅仅是学习,更希望的学生可以在国外完 整的生存下来,甚至是就业。所以即使将来学生选择不出国,在国内就业,雅思的词汇也绝 对不会出现“白背”的情况。
3. 语言能力
语言能力延伸的三个阶段:input, knowledge, output 分别对应到大部分学生的英语学习轨 迹时,就应该是:
很多人在进行语言习得的时候,都会遇到一个问题:我到底要输入什么内容?是按照所谓中 学英语,高考英语来进行的吗?其实不然。在“语言暴露”中的核心要素,就是语言表达的 多样性和准确性。
我们举个例子:两个同年龄的非英语母语小学生和美国小学生在交流时讨论到了“健康 问题”,如果第一个学生说出了metabolism新陈代谢,另一个国外同年龄的孩子,他却不一 定知道这个单词,但是他知道“leek 韭菜 和 avocado 牛油果 以及vein血管”。我们会认为 哪个孩子的英语更好呢?很明显,metabolism是一个课本单词,而leek, avocado是日常生活 单词。所以当我们去评判一个学生的语言能力时,可不可以直接用单词的“非常见性”来衡量呢? 当然不可以。语言熟 练度中更重要的是单词使用的”准确性“
正确范例:I wanna hang out with you.
但是如果你说:I wanna play with you. 那么你一定会被暴打,被控性骚扰
再比如:a big fan of 和 like 都是喜欢的意思
如果你说:我很喜欢树I like trees 那就是对的
如果你说:I'm a big fan of trees. 那就会被认为语言使用非常不地道。
类似的还有把充电宝翻译成charging baby(正确翻译:power bank),把舞狮翻译成lion cosplay(正确翻译:lion dance),这些翻译都没有遵循语言准确性。
所以如何输入准确的语言?扩大自己遇到的语言场景。雅思一共14个常考场景,四六级有10 个。四六级包含更多的是学术场景,雅思场景涵盖了生活及学术场景,帮助学生在各个方面 得到有效信息内容。
与其说雅思是考试,不如说是全球范围内语言能力证明,也是毕业后面向社会的敲门砖。随 着国内高校对出国率和升学率的考核进一步提升,有更多的就业单位使用雅思来取代四六级 成为第二条语言证明路径。换句话说,四六级已经成为单一功能性考试 -- “为了毕业”。 很重要,但不毕重视。因为社会已经在用更高的标准要求学生。
雅思考试的设计理念和实施方式,让中国人民,让世界上120 多个国家的人民,通过这么一 个纽带建立共识的基础,相互理解,进行文化交流, 互相推动。我觉得这可能比任何一个经 济措施都更加重要。而且我也知道雅思名字的变更就是因为它要加一个International 在前 面。这实际上表示了雅思出题机构的态度:我们不仅仅是英国的考试,而是全球化的考试。 120 多个国家,8000 多个教育机构的认可,正是雅思考试权威性的体现。