part 1
part 2
part 3
Describe a family photograph you like.
You should say:
Who were in the photo
When and where it was taken
Who took the photo
And explain why you like it.
第三部份:technology for photography
Describe a family photograph you like.
You should say:
Who were in the photo
When and where it was taken
Who took the photo
And explain why you like it.
第三部份:technology for photography
Describe your dream job as a child.
You should say:
What job it was
How you knew it
What you knew about it
And explain why it was your dream job.
第三部份:career development / job satisfaction
Describe a trip you went on in your childhood.
You should say:
Where you went
How long the trip took
Who you went with
And explain why you remember this trip.
第三部份:long-distance trip / the development of tourism
Describe a trip you went on in your childhood.
You should say:
Where you went
How long the trip took
Who you went with
And explain why you remember this trip.
第三部份:long-distance trip / the development of tourism
Describe your ideal home you would like to live in.
You should say:
What types of house it would be
Where it would be
Who you would like to live with
And explain why you would like to live in this home.
第三部份:development of architecture / housing problem
Describe an educational TV program.
You should say:
What program it is
How you knew this program
When you watch it
And explain what you learn from this program.
第三部份:advertising in TV / TV violence / TV education / foreign TV programs
Describe an important letter you received.
You should say:
What the letter was about
Who wrote it
How you felt about it
And explain why this letter is important.
第三部份:letter vs. email
Describe a useful website you like to visit.
You should say:
What website it is
How you knew it
How often you visit it
And explain why it is useful.
第三部分:distance learning
Describe a small business you would like to own.
You should say:
What business you would like to own
What made you want to own it
How you would like to start it
And explain why you would like to own this business.
第三部份:self employement vs. working for others
Describe a bad weather you experienced.
You should say:
What bad weather you experienced
When it happened
Where you were
And explain how it affected you.
第三部份:natural disaster / climate change
Describe a person who taught you a useful skill
You should say:
Who this person is
What skill he/she taught you
Why he/she taught you
And explain how you felt about learning from him/her.
第三部份:mentor vs. teacher / child education
Describe a product from another country that you bought.
You should say:
What it was
Where you bought it
What you used it for
And explain why you bought it.
第三部份:west vs. east / international trade
Describe a piece of furniture in your home.
You should say:
What it is
What it looks like
How you had it
And explain why you have it.
第三部份:function / style / artistic value
Describe an outdoor place for relaxation.
You should say:
Where it is
What it looks like
What you do to relax
And explain why you feel relaxed there.
第三部份:stress / holiday / travel
Describe something you lost.
You should say:
What it was
When and where you lost it
How you lost it
And explain how you felt after you lost it.
第三部分:lost and found / property
Describe an occasion that you heard some foreign music.
You should say:
What kind of foreign music it was
Where and where you heard it
How you heard it
And explain how you felt about the music.
Describe a time when you were angry.
You should say:
When and where you were angry
Who were there with you
What happened that made you angry
And explain what happened after that.
Describe a song which you heard in a particular time.
You should say:
What was the name of the song
What was the song about
When was the particular time that you heard the song
And explain how you felt about the song at that time.
Describe a book you read at least twice.
You should say:
What book it was
What the book was about
When was the first time and the second time you read it
And explain why you read it more than once.
Describe a friend you had when you were a child.
You should say:
How you first met
How long you were friends
What you did together in your childhood
And explain how your friendship developed.
Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.
You should say:
What animal it was
Where and when you saw it
What happened when you saw it
And explain why it is an interesting animal to you.
Describe a wedding you attended.
You should say:
Whose wedding it was that you attended
Where and when it was
Who was there with you
And explain how you felt about the wedding.
Describe something expensive you would like to buy.
You should say:
What you would like to buy
How much it would cost
How you would like to buy it
And explain why you would buy it.
Describe an advertisement you think is successful.
You should say:
When and where you saw or heard it
What kind of advertisement it was
What the advertisement was about
And explain how you felt about it.
作者简介:殷怡 做过中学老师,当过大学讲师,在雅思培训行业找到自己的兴趣所在,积累了丰富的雅思及英语教学经验。厚积而薄发,最终在新东方讲台上找到久违的教学激情,从事雅思口语和写作教学近5年,口语语音纯正,写作词汇地道,对雅思口语写作考题如数家珍。上课即严谨又不失风趣,教学内容的更新改进从不间断,给雅思考生带来最新最权威的教学内容,始终坚持“学生的成功才是教师的成功”的教学理念,在雅思讲坛上辛勤而快乐地耕耘着!