谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield)
MA Music Management
l 入学要求:
Applicants with an undergraduate degree in Music or other relevant subjects (including joint-honours degrees with another subject) are encouraged to apply. The normal expectation is at least a 2:1. All applicants will normally be interviewed and we shall look at candidates not simply in the light of conventional profiles, but with regard to individual qualities. Hence, students with first degrees obtained from music conservatories (both from EU and Overseas institutions) and mature students with non-traditional backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
IELTS: 6.5 with minimum 5.5 in each component
利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)牛津果然不是谁都能去的,你看看音乐专业的录取要求也是高高的...
MSt and MPhil Music (Performance)
Applicants to an MSt or MPhil in Performance should provide both:
Ø two relevant academic essays or other writing samples from their most recent qualification, or extracts of longer work, of no more than 5,000 words in total, and
Ø a recorded recital, showing contrasting styles of performance, with a combined duration of 15 minutes.
l 语言要求:
IELTS: 7.5Minimum, 7.0 per component
杜伦大学(Durham University)
MA Musicology
This one-year (two years part-time) programme will provide you with a deeper understanding of historical, cultural and theoretical issues in musicology, with a freedom to pursue any topic that interests you. Amongst its primary aims are to show how musicology draws together some of the most vital orientations in contemporary thought, and in so doing enhances the musical experience.
英国皇家北方音乐学院(Royal Northern College of Music)
l 雅思要求:这些音乐类院校对英语的要求一般都要达到雅思7.0水平。
l 作品要求:而且在申请的时候,学生的作品集是非常重要的,所以,想要申请到英国音乐学院继续深造的同学们务必要准备好自己的作品集,每所院校都有自己的侧重领域,应结合自身情况选择。
好啦!刚才一开篇,小编说了 小编的男神是 Eason,我怎么可能不去翻翻偶像的学校呢!
我们的 Eason,12岁的时候就前往英伦求学,并且大学时期是在金斯顿大学修读建筑学及四年正统音乐课程,他在获得英国皇家音乐学院八级声乐证书(八级为最高级)之后就回到香港开始他的演艺生涯。
英国皇家音乐学院(Royal Academy of Music)
英国皇家音乐学院是伦敦大学旗下的一个独立学院,虽然独立,但是学生毕业后将获得伦敦大学学位。是一所具有悠久历史的音乐学院,在国际上享有极高的声誉,培养了众多世界级优秀艺术家,也是音乐界公认的世界名校之一。在国际上享有极高的声誉,培养了许多世界级的艺术家,如Lesley Garrett, Sir Elton John, Myleene Klass等。
圣玛丽音乐学校(St Mary’s Music School)
圣三一音乐学院(Trinity College of Music)
l 课程设置:表演、键盘乐器、弦乐器、声乐、管乐器、铜管乐器和打击乐器、印第安音乐、爵士乐、作曲、指挥及早期音乐。
好啦好啦 小编介绍了这么多音乐专业的学校,总有一个适合你,想学音乐的小伙伴们,加油吧!!!