伦敦大学玛丽女王学院(QueenMary, UniversityofLondon,简称QM)是国际知名伦敦大学旗下四所最大的学院之一。英国“学术研究评估”RAE2008最新结果公布:在英国大学整体的研究排名中,伦敦大学玛丽女王学院排名第11名,其中经济类研究排名第7名。
城市大学位于伦敦金融区,大学三分之一的课程都是商科。其中著名的是城市大学卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)。 在金融投资、MBA课程等领域可以比肩牛津大学和剑桥大学,是世界十大商学院之一。
ALRA (The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts)
American InterContinental University - London
Barking College
British College of Osteopathic Medicine
Brooklands College
Brunel University
British School of Osteopathy
Buckinghamshire New University (was Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College) (Uxbridge College)
Capel Manor College, Enfield, Middlesex
Central School of Speech and Drama (in London)
City University
Courtauld Institute of Art (University of London)
Croydon College
University of Cumbria (Tower Hamlets)
Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College
East End Computing and Business College
University of East London
European Business School, London
European School of Economics
Gateway School of Recording
Goldsmiths College (University of London)
University of Greenwich
Greenwich School of Management
Havering College of Further and Higher Education (Thames Gateway College)
University of Hertfordshire (Barnet College)
Heythrop College (University of London)
Holborn College
Imperial College London
Islamic College for Advanced Studies
Kensington College of Business
King's College London (University of London)
Kingston University
The London College, UCK
London Metropolitan University
London School of Commerce
London School of Science and Technology
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
London South Bank University
Middlesex University
Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts
Newham College of Further Education
University of London Institute in Paris
Queen Mary, University of London
Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication
Regents Business School London
Richmond, The American International University in London
Roehampton University
Rose Bruford College
Royal Academy of Dance
Royal Veterinary College (University of London)
SAE Institute
School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London)
The School of Pharmacy (University of London)
Sheffield Hallam University (Tower Hamlets)
Southwark College
St George's, University of London (formerly St George's Hospital Medical School)
St Mary's University College, Twickenham
Thames Valley University
University of the Arts London
University College London (University of London)
Uxbridge College
University of Westminster
Westminster Kingsway College
West Thames College