雅思考试采用analytical scoring的评分方法,即根据考生在文章中呈现的内容,从Task Achievement/Task Response、Coherence and Cohesion、Lexical Resource、Grammatical Range and Accuracy四个维度分别做出评分,进而得到考生在一篇文章中的总分。因此,对评分标准的理解就成为考生备考中最为重要的环节,只有准确理解考官评分时的关注点,才能有的放矢地进行文章的组织和写作。
根据雅思考试官方发布的Writing Band Descriptors,我们会看到,在Lexical Resource和Grammatical Range and Accuracy两项中,对于考生的语言表达都有明确的要求,例如:
uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’
uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings
skillfully uses uncommon lexical items but there may be occasional inaccuracies in word choice and collocation produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation
uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’
uses a wide range of structures
the majority of sentences are error-free
makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies
从真实考试数据的分析来看,这一特点有非常具体和明显的体现,以雅思写作task 1为例,不同的类型的图表中都会出现数字,例如饼状图中会有不同的比例表达,线状图中会有具体的数值等,通过分析这些数字出现的频率,我们发现排在前三位的分别为“10年”、“50%”和“2倍”,而类似“4年”、“17%”这一的数字则出现频率少之又少,究其原因,就是由于“10年”既可以表达为“10 years”、“this ten-year period”,也可以表达为“a decade”,“50%”既可以表达为“50 percent”也可以表达为“a half”,而其他数字则没有这样多的表达方法,因此这一细节也可以作为考试要求在题目中的具体体现。
而由于“上升”、“下降”、“平稳”这三个趋势词几乎每次考试都会用到,能否在文章中写出多样的句式表达也就成为考生必然面临的问题,同时,趋势词之后的介词用法作为考生在task 1中最常见的具体错误之一,也需要得到足够的重视,为了这两个目的,此处列举几种最常用表达,供考生积累:
In the same period, the proportion of self-employed workers increased from 32% to 40%.
The number of people speaking English showed a marked increase from 4.2% to 19.7%.
There was a sharp rise in unemployment due to the economic recession.
The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989.
The birth rate fell by 35% between 1970 and 1975.
There was a temperature drop of 8。C overnight.
Africa’s share of global trade fell from 5.9% in 1980 to under 2% at the end of the 1990s.
Student numbers have decreased from 685 to fewer than 500.
The sales of DVD players declined over the five-year period.
在雅思写作的task 2部分,我们同样需要利用这种方式实现语言的多样性,以《剑桥雅思真题集5》中的范文为例,题目为:In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. 题目中提到了“to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies”这一现象,而在文章中如果重复进行这样的表达,那么语言将非常单一,所以文中使用了“to have a break from studying after graduating from high school”、“have spent some time earning a living or traveling to other places”以及“taking a year off”三种不同的表达来指代这一现象,从而实现语言多样的目的。
在占据分数比重较大的task 2中,由于考生的文章需要按照“Introduction + Body + Conclusion”的结构进行写作,即“开头段+主体段+结尾段”,而占据较大篇幅的“主体段”部分不论是几个段落,不论是表达自己的支持或是反对,还是分析问题出现的原因以及提出解决方案,实际上都是在“表达观点”,这就牵扯到如何对观点进行论证以及论证的层次和逻辑的问题,中国考生在这方面最突出的问题是:论证缺乏层次、论证内容不充分。为了解决这一问题,我们需要根据雅思写作评分标准关于观点论证的要求,结合英文学术写作中观点论证的基本方法进行举例和分析。这一问题主要涉及评分标准中“Task Achievement/Task Response”和“Coherence and Cohesion”两项内容:
fully addresses all parts of the task
presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas
sufficiently addresses all parts of the task presents a well-developed response to the question with relevant, extended and supported ideas
uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention skillfully manages paragraphing
sequences information and ideas logically
manages all aspects of cohesion well
uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately
根据以上内容,我们可以明显地看出,考生需要写出“well-developed”的观点即展开充分,论证完整的观点:同时,对这一观点的论证需要有“relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas”。此外,在逻辑关系的要求上,考生需要“sequences information and ideas logically”,即按照一定的逻辑来安排论证内容的顺序。我们结合一道真题来分析考生如何按照一定的步骤完成符合雅思评分标准要求的观点论证。
例题:Some people think international tourism brings more problems than benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
此处我们以认为“international tourism”利大于弊为例,则可以写出以下主题句:From my perspective, international tourism has an array of advantages.
此处international带来的好处可以既可以是文化交流(cultural communication)、增加生活经历(enrich one’s experiences),开拓视野(broaden one’s horizon),也可以是通过这种方式本地人获得更多收入(more money can be used by local citizens)。由于需要使几条理由按照一定的逻辑排序,因此经过分析,我们按照“从宏观到微观”的方式排序,将international层面的排在第一,将national层面的排在第二,将personal层面的排在第三。
即我们需要对于这2—3个理由进行展开,例如理由是“Through international tourism, cultural communication can be strengthened”,那么我们就需要在在之后以“This is because …”作为支持句,使之成为supported idea.
From my perspective, international tourism has an array of merits. In the first place, through international tourism, cultural communication can be strengthened. This is because tourists can understand the exotic culture and spread their own culture by interacting with local residents during their trips, which will promote mutual understanding and friendship between different nations. Besides, international tourism can contribute to local people’s incomes and the government revenue. Therefore, there will be more money that can be used by local citizens to preserve the cultural heritage created by their ancestors. In the last place, international tourism can enrich people’s experiences, as well as broaden their horizon. As a consequence, it is more likely for them to further realize their potential in the future and embrace a more meaningful life.
如果需要表达相反的观点,按照同样的步骤依然可以操作,例如以下题目:Distance learning is an ideal choice for people wanting to return to or further their education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In my opinion, distance learning does not suit everyone. Although students often get the chance to meet tutors and other students through residential courses, the majority of time is spent doing self-study. Students therefore need to be highly motivated and have the discipline to meet assignment deadlines and to keep up to date with their studies. The courses also tend to be technology-based with access to online forums and virtual learning environments. This can be daunting for older people who are not confident with technology, and who might have trouble logging in and accessing digital materials.