芝加哥大学(University of Chicago) 2020年USNEWS综合排名:6 专业:统计学
芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago),简称“芝大”(UChicago),位于美国国际金融中心芝加哥,是世界著名私立研究型大学。统计学是分析数据的理论、方法和实践,是所有科学领域的基本工具,在围绕移动计算、金融、营销和万维网发展起来的一系列应用程序中,它已成为预测的中心工具。芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)的统计学硕士课程是一个令人兴奋的组合,它既为你在这些新兴领域的工作提供专业学位,又为那些希望攻读统计学或数据科学广泛应用的任何领域的博士学位做准备。统计系以其高质量的师资和多样化的兴趣而得到公认。除了在统计学方法论、机器学习、生物统计学和概率论方面的专长外,学院还积极从事跨学科的研究领域,如遗传学、数理金融学和计量经济学、环境统计学、计算神经科学、计算化学、机器学习和模式识别、科学计算、调查方法论等。芝加哥大学项目的独特之处在于,我们将理论的卓越和对我们所应用领域的学科的真正欣赏结合在一起。我们用同样的高标准教育我们的学生。根据学生的学习能力和选修课的进行进度,硕士课程需要一到两年的时间。
项目名称:M.S. Degree in Statistics
The Statistics Master’s program has several constituent parts, which go together to form a comprehensive quantitative education. The program includes:
· Courses in theoretical and applied statistics that provide a broad knowledge and understanding of statistical methods and their practical use.
· Exposure to the cutting edge of research fields through seminars and special courses.
· Consulting experience: the department runs a consulting service for researchers in other departments in the University. You get to be the consultant, working as the quantitative expert to solve important research problems of our day. Typically, two to four graduate students work together as a team under the supervision of faculty members. The team will share their experience by presenting their analysis to the group of student consultants.
· A chance to study a problem in depth through a Master's paper on a subject chosen by you together with your faculty advisor.
· Training in presentation: In addition to presentations in the consulting program, all Master's students give a seminar on their Master's paper at the completion of the program. Students are also encouraged to participate actively in courses and seminars.
· The program can be completed in one to two academic years, depending on the background and study plan of the student.
a. 申请截止日期:All applications and supporting materials are due December 31.
b. 申请语言要求 (特殊注意是否可以豁免语言):可以申请豁免语言
We will assume you have an adequate command of English if you grew up in the United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, or the United States, OR if, in the last five years, you completed one academic year of full-time study at an English-language institution in one of these seven countries.
Our TOEFL minimum is 90. Our IELTS minimum is 7.0. We do not have minimum scores for each subsection.
We do not have a minimum GPA requirement.
We require three letters of recommendation.
Statement of Purpose
c. 申请材料要求:
We have no minimum for the GRE. Most applicants score above the 90th percentile of the quantitative section of the GRE.
d. 其他要求: Application Fee : 90 USD
a. 备注信息:FAQ链接:https://stat.uchicago.edu/admissions/admissions-faqs/