宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania ),简称宾大(U Penn),位于宾夕法尼亚州最大城市费城,是一所全球顶jian的私立研究型大学,著名的八所常春藤盟校之一,诞生了人类历史上第一台通用电子计算机ENIAC,被誉为现代计算机科学文明的发源地,以及风疹疫苗、乙肝疫苗、认知心理疗法等的发明挽救了无数生命。其金融专业和护理专业排名全美第一,教育学、经济学、医疗、历史学、法学、英语及商科其它众多专业皆排名全美前十,在艺术、人文、社会科学、建筑与工程教育上均处于世jie领先地位。宾夕法尼亚州属大陆性气候,冬暖夏凉,冬天气温像北京,但是冬季很长6个月,夏天的白天气温25-30度。春,夏,秋很短,各1-2个月,早晚气温很低。
项目名称:Master of Science in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Total = 10 Courses + 2 Seminar
The master’s in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (MEAM) is innovative, unique, and nationally recognized for its excellence. We are at the forefront in preparing students for leadership careers by providing opportunities to work in emerging and interdisciplinary areas that are fueling exciting advances in technology. The program can be tailored and customized to meet individual needs under the guidance and approval of an academic advisor. Students can choose to focus on Design and Manufacturing, Mechanical Systems (Robotics, and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)), Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics with applications in energy production, material processing, and the electronics industry, Mechanics of Materials, or Biomechanics.
Research in Biomechanics spans from the molecular level through to tissue-level investigations, with major efforts in cell mechanics and biophysics, biomolecular simulation, gravity effects on cells and tissues, tendon and ligament injury, repair, regeneration, and intervertebral disc function/degeneration, and targeted drug delivery.
Computational Mechanics计算力学
Research in and application of novel computational methodologies in analysis, design and control. Examples include research in mesoscale and nanoscale materials science, molecular dynamics, plasticity and fracture, flows with dynamic interfaces and moving boundaries, multiphase flows and transport, electro- and magneto-hydrodynamics, wave propagation, microgravity, modeling and computation of biological networks in Scientific computation, and robotics and dynamical systems.
Fluid Mechanics流体力学
Fluid mechanics is is the study of how fluids move and the forces on them. This includes work in micro- and nanofluidics, “laboratories on chips,” fluid and particle motion under the action of electric and magnetic fields, multi-phase flows, problems of relevance to biology and medicine, micro-electronic manufacturing, complex fluids and materials processing, hydrodynamic instabilities and flow control, and computational fluid mechanics.
Mechanics of Materials材料力学
Crystal plasticity, effective properties of nonlinear composites and polycrystals, atomic/continuum property relations, nano-scale mechanics and tribology, localization studies, phase transitions, interfacial fracture, fatigue and high temperature fracture, soft materials, cell mechanics, anisotropy and viscoelasticity of soft composites.
Micro- and Nanomechanics微纳米力学
Nano, micro, and macro heat transfer, molecular dynamics simulation, energy analysis and conversion, advanced systems for power generation with reduction of global warming emissions, exergy (Second Law) analysis, renewable energy sources, space power, bio-heat transfer, combustion, emissions reduction, water desalination and waste treatment, electronic packaging, and materials processing.
Thermal Sciences and Energy Conversion热科学和能量转换
Nano, micro, and macro heat transfer, molecular dynamics simulation, energy analysis and conversion, advanced systems for power generation with reduction of global warming emissions, exergy (Second Law) analysis, renewable energy sources, space power, bio-heat transfer, combustion, emissions reduction, water desalination and waste treatment, electronic packaging, and materials processing.
学费:1 Course Unit = $7, 310
宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)将每门课程视为一个课程单元(CU),而不是3个课时,硕士研究生的学费按注册课程的数量收取。全日制至少需要三个Course Unit,每学期最多允许修四门课。
申请要求:申请截止日期:February 1st
a. 英语语言要求:
TOEFL 100+ / IELTS 7.5+
c. GPA要求:required,
d. GRE要求:required
e. 其他材料要求:
l Resume
l Personal Statement – we recommend the following guidelines for the personal statement:
No more than two pages in a readable font/size:
Use answers to the following questions to guide your writing; please provide detailed and specific examples from academia, industry or research when possible:
Why are you interested in this program?
What have you done that makes you a great candidate?
How will you benefit from the program?
How do you plan to contribute to the student community in SEAS while you’re here?
Why will you succeed in the program?
What will you do/accomplish once you have completed the program?
l Two [2] official Letters of Recommendation – one must be from a faculty member who is familiar with the candidate’s scholarly abilities:
l Unofficial Transcript – submitted with application:
One [1] transcript from each university or college attended where course credit was earned, to be uploaded and submitted with the online application. It is required to be in English.
l $80 non-refundable application fee – This payment must be submitted with the online application.