cc 副本
抄送 cc是carbon copy的缩略语,过去科技不发达,人们使用复写纸(carbon paper)来制作副本 (carbon copy)。现在已经很少用复写纸,但cc这一用法仍被继续使用,表示将信函或电子 邮件同时发送给收信人以外的人 《朗文商务英语词典》对cc的释义为: used on letters, documents, and E-MAILS to show that a copy has also been sent to someone in addition to the person to whom it is addressed 副本;抄送: To Neil Fry, cc Anthea Baker, Matt Fox寄:尼尔弗雷,抄送:安西娅·贝克,马特·福克斯 cc也可作动词使用,常见搭配有cc sb (sth)、cc sth (to sb) v [T] to send a copy of a letter, document,or E-MAIL addressed to one person to another person: Can you send a memo to Bill and cc it to the salesteam? 你能发一则备忘录给比尔并将其抄送给销售团队吗? Her message was sent to the company president and cc’ed to us. 她的邮件发给了公司总裁,同时抄送我们了。
bcc 密件抄送
bcc是blind carbon copy的缩略语,指发信人将邮件密送给其它收信人,而收信人不知道该邮 件的其它收信人。 used in an email when sending someone a copy of a message that you have also sent to someone else, so that this person does not know that other people will also receive the message 密件抄送 bcc同样有动词用法,常见搭配有bcc sb (sth)、bcc sth (to sb)、bcc sb ( on sth): Send an email to the head of finance and bcc me. 给财务主管发一封电邮并密送给我。 He now bcc’ed his boss on every email he sent to difficult clients. 他现在给难缠客户每发一封电邮就密送给他老板一份。
fwd/fw 转发
fwd或fw是forward的缩写,表示转发邮件,一般在主题栏中以“Fw: 主题名称”格式出现。如 果要表示“转交给某人”,可以用forward sth to sb 除此之外,还有多种电子邮件常用缩略语,如: AFAK – As far as I know 就我所知 BTW – By the way 顺便提一下 FYI – for your information 特此告知 HTH – Hope this helps 但愿这管用 NFN – No reply needed 无须回复 Pls – Please 请