01.SAO (The Standard Application Online)
SAO系统是SSAT的登录系统,是美高申请使用频率最 高的系统,而且也是可以申请的学校数量最多的系统。
02.Gateway (Gateway to Prep Schools)
01.Cate School 凯特中学
• 变化:2、3题不同,引用名人名言,实际还是回答学生的经历。
题目:"Stories touch something that is human in us and is probably unchanging. Perhaps this is why parables -- the important knowledge -- is passed through stories. It's what holds a culture together. Culture has a story, and every person in it participates in that story. And so story and not facts are the way the world is made up." - Rachel Naomi Remen. At Cate, we value the stories that each of our community members brings to our school, and the act of sharing them binds us together. Tell us a story about your family, however you choose to define it, and let us know why it is important to you.
题目:The writer Anna Quindlen said, "The thing that is really hard, and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself." Tell us about a time that you learned something about who you really are when things didn't go as you had hoped. It can be a failure or a less-than-perfect moment, but help us understand what you learned in the process.
翻译:作家安娜·昆德兰(Anna Quindlen)说:“放弃追求完美,开始做自己,这真的很难,但也很了不起。”请告诉我们,通过一件没有如你所愿地发展的事情后,你对自己有哪些反思和自我认知。它可以是一次失败或不完美的时刻,请说明你在这个过程中学到了什么。
02.Deerfield Academy 迪尔菲尔德学院
• 变化一:今年题目更多围绕学生的经历;
• 变化二:问题更加落地,没有像去年一样天马行空;
1. Tell us about a time when you asked for help. Where did you find support, and what did you learn from that experience?
2. Describe a surprising or unexpected connection you have made with someone outside of your family or circle of friends. Why does this connection stand out to you and how is it meaningful?
3. What is something about which you changed your mind? How did your perspective change?
1. 告诉我们一个你寻求帮助的例子。你从哪里得到了支持,你从那次经历中学到了什么?
2. 描述你与家人或朋友圈之外的人建立的一个令人惊讶或意想不到的联系。为什么这种联系会吸引你,它有什么意义?
3. 什么事情让你改变了观点?你的观点是如何改变的?
03.The Webb Schools(CA) 韦伯中学
• 变化:添加了一个新题,介绍自己崇拜的人。
题目:Name someone in your life who serves as your role model. What about their identity do you most admire and what aspect(s) of their identity do you relate to? Explain.