GMAT是研究生管理科入学考试的全称,又名经企管理研究生入学考试,英语为Graduate Management Admission Test,是一项专门用于测试商学院申请学生能力的标准化考试,美国、英国等国家的高校采用。在英国的一些学校申请中,GMAT的拉交是至关重要的。下面让小编带大家一起来了解一下吧。
1 成立于1895年的伦敦政治经济学院一向被誉为“*的社会科学教育及研究机构”。它对社会科学的专注在伦敦大学和全英国都是*的。
依LSE申请量较多的MSc Accounting and Finance 举例,除了雅思总分7.0,阅读听力6.5,其余6.0的要求以外还有GMAT的具体要求:
GMAT is required for all students without a UK undergraduate degree. The GMAT is recommended for all students with UK undergraduate degrees, particularly those whose quantitative skills are not demonstrated by their undergraduate studies
GMAT is required for all students without a UK undergraduate degree. The GMAT is recommended for all students with UK undergraduate degrees, particularly those whose quantitative skills are not demonstrated by their undergraduate studies 。
2 伦敦大学学院UCL
作为世界排名第5的Top 5 大学,UCL的光环世界瞩目,也是每年申请较多的学校之一。
今年UCL的MSc Management专业新增加了对于GMAT的要求:
Applicants must submit a GMAT or GRE score with their application. For GMAT we generally require a minimum score of 600, or for GRE a minimum score of 310. Scores should not be older than 5 years. Applications will not be considered without a GMAT or GRE score.
3 雷丁大学Reading
MSc Financial Engineering
MSc Financial Risk Management
MSc Investment Banking and Islamic Finance
GMAT要求:We may ask you to submit a GMAT score if we think it appropriate in your individual case. For example, if you have been out of education for more than a few years or have little evidence of any numerical ability
MSc Behavioural Finance
MSc Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance