考试攻略| 听说你有雅思蒙题必杀技?
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
10. Part of the __________ has been made suitable for swimming.
Sue:And is it possible for children to swim in the river?
Martin: Yes. Part of it has been fenced off to make it safe for children to swim in. it’s very shallow, and there’s lifeguard on duty whenever it’s open. The lake is too deep, so swimming isn’t allowed there.
21. What will be the main topic of Trudie and Stewart’s paper?
A. how public library services are organized in different countries.
B. how changes in society are reflected in public libraries.
C. how the funding of public libraries has changed.
这道题属于较为常见的学术讨论场景题目,题型又是大家十分头疼的选择题。题目问道学生的论文主题应该选什么。男生一开始提到主题的范围很广,比如how libraries have changed over the centuries, for instance, or how different countries organize them. 这个选题指代的就是A选项内容,女生后来说到 “maybe we should concentrate on this country, and try and relate the changes in libraries to external developments, like the fact that for more people can read than a century ago, and that the local population may speak lots of different languages”.这里的changes in libraries to external developments就是答案的替换点,题目中的changes in society(社会变化)对应的就是external developments(外部发展)。后面进行了举例说明,例如现在能够认字的人数比之前要多,人们现在也能够掌握好几种外语。男生后来又提到还可以包括在sources of funding方面的变化,但是女生提出不同意见,认为现在他们写的文章只是篇短文,最好不要牵扯过多细节。