康涅狄格大学创建于1881年,前身是斯多斯农学院(Storrs Agricultural School),1939年被正式命名为康涅狄格大学。
康涅狄格大学(1903年) 康涅狄格大学是一个注重研究的学校,是卡耐基基金会指定的Ⅰ类研究性公立大学之一,除了院系之外,大学还下设70多个研究中心,2.3万名在校生当中, 研究生近7000人。
康涅狄格大学的教学与研究实力很强,已经连续九年被评为新英格兰地区的最好的大学,每年接到的新生申请比十年前翻了一番。康涅狄格大学向学生提供高质量的课程, 学生的满意度很高。新生一年以后的继续入读率也很高, 2005年入学的新生92都继续在读,这一比例在美国公立大学中排第25。校友毕业以后向学校捐助的比率在全美大学中排第七。
康涅狄格大学一角 2007年《美国新闻与世界报道》的美国大学综合排名,康涅狄格大学排第67名。该校的教育专业具有很高的教学科研水平,教育类排第21位,其中初级教育专业排第18名,特殊教育专业排第21名。此外,热门专业还有社会科学,商业、管理、营销、医疗保健,心理学工程等。
康涅狄格大学创建于 1881年,位于康涅狄格州的斯多斯农学院,1939年正式改名为康涅狄格大学,在Avery Point、Greater Hartford、Stamford、Torrington、Waterbury等地还设有8个分校区。
康涅狄格大学是卡耐基基金会指定的1类研究性公立大学之一。有8个本科学生学位授予点和12个研究生学位授予点,共设有101个本科专业和80个研究方向;此外,该校还有4个职业学位项目。(J.D , M.D , D.M.D, PharmD.)
康涅狄格州是新英格兰六州中最偏南的一州,州府是哈特福(Hartford)。 康涅狄格州之名称来自印地安语Quinnethtukqut, 意义是“受海潮影响的一条长河流经之地”, 简称“长河之地”。全州人口约300多万。
康涅狄格州共有50多所大专院校,其中最著名的有耶鲁大学、哈特福大学(University of Hartford)及康涅狄格大学等。康涅狄格州是新英格兰六州中工业最盛的一州,主要有制造核子潜艇、喷射飞机引擎、直升飞机引擎、球承轴、塑胶、钟表、电业、电气器材及打字机等。州府哈特福还被称为美国的“保险业都市”(Insurance City),市内有四十家美国大保险公司的总部。
该校共有农业与自然资源学院、联合卫生学院、商学院、工程学院、家庭研究学院、美术学院、研究生院、法学院、人文与科学学院、医学院、护理学院、药学院、 Ratcliffe Hicks 农学院、社会工作学院等17个学院和研究生院。现有在校学生23000多人,其中研究生近7000人。教职员工共有4184人,其中教师 1121人。
School Type
State-supported, Coed
Rural 4104-acre campus
Degrees Offered
Associate, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral, First Professional, Post-Master's, and Postbachelor's Certificates
Entrance Difficulty
Moderately difficult , 54% of applicants were admitted
Application Deadlines
4/1 (transfers)
Admission: 21,058 applied; 11,474 admitted; 3,604 enrolled
Test Scores
SAT critical reading scores over 500 90%
SAT math scores over 500 94%
SAT writing scores over 500 91%
ACT scores over 18 99%
SAT critical reading scores over 600 45%
SAT math scores over 600 61%
SAT writing scores over 600 48%
ACT scores over 24 78%
SAT critical reading scores over 700 7%
SAT math scores over 700 13%
SAT writing scores over 700 7%
ACT scores over 30 13%
Options: electronic application, early action, deferred entrance
Application fee: $70
Required: essay or personal statement, high school transcript
Recommended: 1 letter of recommendation
Application deadlines: 2/1 (freshmen), 4/1 (transfers)
Notification: 1/1 (freshmen), 2/1 (early action), continuous (transfers)
Cost and Financial Aid
Costs (2009-10)
Tuition: State resident $7632 full-time, $318 per credit part-time; nonresident $23,232 full-time, $968 per credit part-time. Part-time tuition and fees vary according to course load
Required fees: $2254 full-time
Room and board: $10,120; room only: $5396. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility
Payment plans: Installment, deferred payment
Waivers: Senior citizens and employees or children of employees
Financial Aid
Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2008, 10,944 applied for aid, 7,867 were judged to have need, 1,513 had their need fully met. 1,603 Federal Work-Study jobs (averaging $1747). 5,423 state and other part-time jobs (averaging $2189)
In 2008, 1284 non-need-based awards were made
Average percent of need met: 67%
Average financial aid package: $11,048
Average need-based loan: $4305
Average need-based gift aid: $6649
Average non-need-based aid: $6080
Average indebtedness upon graduation: $21,521
Student Body
Undergraduate Student Population
16,765 undergraduate students, 50% women, 50% men, 4% transferred in, 5% African American, 8% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 5% Hispanic American, 0.3% Native American
International Population
1% representing 62 other countries
Housing Info
71% live on campus
Campus Life
Options: Coed, men-only, women-only, disabled students, Campus housing is university owned and is provided by a third party. Freshman campus housing is guaranteed
Activities: Drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio and television station, choral group, marching band, national fraternities, national sororities
Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices, late-night transport/escort service
Student services: Health clinic, personal/psychological counseling, women's center
Academic Programs
Special study options: Accelerated degree program, adult/continuing education programs, advanced placement credit, cooperative education, distance learning, double majors, English as a second language, honors programs, independent study, internships, off-campus study, part-time degree program, services for LD students, student-designed majors, study abroad, summer session for credit
ROTC: Army (b), Air Force (b)
Unusual degree programs: 3-2 education, pharmacy
School Calendar: Semesters
Total: 1,360
Full-time: 76% full-time
Student/faculty ratio: 17:1
Member: NCAA, Division: All Division I, except: Football (Division I-A)
Scholarship sports
Baseball (m), basketball, cross-country running, field hockey (w), football (m), golf (m), ice hockey, soccer, softball (w), swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball (w)
Nonscholarship sports
Crew (w), lacrosse (w)
Intramural sports
Badminton M/W, baseball M, basketball M/W, bowling M(c)/W(c), crew M(c), cross-country running M/W, equestrian sports M(c)/W(c), fencing M(c)/W(c), football M, gymnastics W(c), ice hockey M(c)/W(c), lacrosse M(c)/W(c), racquetball M/W, rugby M(c)/W(c), sailing M(c)/W(c), skiing (downhill) M(c)/W(c), soccer M/W, softball M/W, squash M/W, swimming and diving M/W, table tennis M/W, tennis M/W, track and field M/W, volleyball M/W, water polo W, weight lifting M(c), wrestling M(c)
Intercollegiate sports
Baseball M(s), basketball M(s)/W(s), crew W, cross-country running M(s)/W(s), field hockey W(s), golf M(s), ice hockey M(s)/W(s), lacrosse W, soccer M(s)/W(s), softball W(s), swimming and diving M(s)/W(s), tennis M(s)/W(s), track and field M(s)/W(s), volleyball W(s)
School Facilities
Main Library Name: Homer Babbidge Library
Other Library: 3
Collection: 3.0 million titles; 17,378 serial subscriptions; 61,417 audiovisual materials
Endowment: $317.0 million
Contact Info
Mr. Brian Usher, Associate Director of Admissions
University of Connecticut
2131 Hillside Road, U-88
Storrs, CT 06269
Phone: 860-486-3137
Fax: 860-486-1476
Non US Students
Financial Aid
Non-need financial aid available.