一、加州大学洛杉矶分校 UCLA
中文名 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校
英文名 University of California, Los Angeles
学校类型 美国公立研究型大学
专职院士 美国空军科学家 2 人
美国国家科学院院士 55 人
美国国家工程院院士 28 人
美国国家医学院院士 39 人
美国艺术与科学院院士 124 人
主要院系 医学院、护理学院、工程和应用科学学院、艺术和建筑学院、法学院、影视戏剧学院、商学院、音乐学院、教育学院、文理学院、公共关系学院、牙科医学院、公共卫生学院、神经和行为科学学院
学校区位 靠近好莱坞及圣莫尼卡海滩
校园面积 1.7平方公里
教职员工数 4,016
本科生数目 30,873 (2017)
研究生数目 12,675 (2017)
Master of Arts (M.A.)in Linguistics
All applicants are expected to submit a statement of purpose that includes their background for graduate study in linguistics and immediate and long-range goals in the field, and a copy of a research paper or other piece of writing in linguistics or a closely related field. The Linguistics department admits only applicants whose objective is Ph.D.
二、南加州大学 USC
三、弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia
类 别 公立研究型大学
主要院系 以商学、工商管理、法学、医学、建筑学、工程学等著称
占地面积 10500亩,6.8平方公里
The Program in Linguistics is administered by the Interdepartmental Committee on Linguistics, which makes all decisions on admission. The purpose of the program is to provide training in general linguistics. Students are encouraged to focus their studies in a particular area such as anthropological linguistics, TESOL, or an individual language or language family.
Graduates of UVa's Linguistics M.A. program place in top Ph.D. programs. Those pursuing Ph.D.s in Linguistics have moved on to programs at Northwestern, Penn State, University of Michigan, University at Buffalo, University of llinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of California Santa Cruz, Yale, and elsewhere. Others have moved on to Ph.D. programs in other fields, such as Communication Disorders, Education, and Anthropology.
Graduates of the program have also found employment in such diverse areas as translation; national security; law enforcement; software development; English teaching abroad; language teaching in US middle schools, high schools, community colleges, and government programs; community language revitalization; and other fields.
All students take LNGS 7010 (Linguistic Theory and Analysis). They also take one course in historical linguistics, such as ANTH 7480 (Language and Prehistory) or CLAS 5300 (Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics). They must also take at least one linguistics course that focuses on the structure of a language or group of languages. Courses fulfilling this requirement include ANTH 5401 (Linguistic Field Methods), ANTH 7450 (Native American Languages), and LING 7400 (Structure of English). The final requirement is a course in theoretical linguistics, either a survey course comparing various theoretical approaches to language such as ANTH 7420 (Theories of Language), or a course focusing on one of the subfields of linguistics such as phonology or morphology. The required courses count for 12 of the 30 credits needed for the degree.
The remaining courses, making up the remaining 18 credits, are Linguistics electives in related fields (e.g., psychology, anthropology, philosophy, Romance linguistics, etc.) These are selected in consultation with the advisor. Each student must also take a comprehensive examination, the exact form of which is determined by the Committee on General Linguistics.
Students may optionally elect to write a thesis after consulting on the timing and topic with their advisor. Before enrolling in the three-credit thesis writing course, LING 8999, students must submit a thesis proposal signed by two faculty members who have agreed to supervise the work.
Before graduating with the M.A. in Linguistics, students must demonstrate reading competence in a language other than English. Normally, this language is French or German. Other languages may occasionally be substituted by petition to the Linguistics Committee.
学费 $1191/学分 (共30个学分)
无Master 项目
五、纽约大学 New York University
类 别 私立大学
学校类型 综合性研究型大学
主要院系 文理学院、法学院、斯特恩商学院、帝势艺术学院、柯朗数学科学院、医学院、教育学院、坦登工程学院、瓦格纳公共行政学院、公共卫生国际学院等
本科生 25722 (2015年秋) 研究生 24305 (2015年秋)
Master of Arts in Linguistics
Course Requirements: 32 points of approved courses (at least 24 in residence at New York University) are required, including four basic courses required of all students: Phonology I, LING-GA 1210, Syntax I, LING-GA 1310, Semantics I, LING-GA 1340, Sociolinguistics, LING-GA 1510, and two of the following five courses: Phonology II, LING-GA 1220, Historical Linguistics, LING-GA 1410, Syntax II, LING-GA 2310, Semantics II, LING-GA 2370, Sociolinguistic Field Methods, LING-GA 2540.
Language Proficiency: The student must demonstrate reasonable proficiency in one language other than English that is of clear relevance to the student’s research, subject to approval by the director of graduate studies. Proficiency can generally be demonstrated in two ways: First, by earning a grade of B or better in at least the fourth term of a college foreign language course completed not more than two years before the student’s admission to the Graduate School of Arts and Science. Second, by passing the appropriate Graduate School of Arts and Science foreign language proficiency examination. When proficiency is demonstrated in some other way (e.g., when a student presents an undergraduate degree from a foreign university where the language in question is the medium of instruction for the student’s course of study), the director of graduate studies may grant a waiver of the foreign language examination.
Qualifying Paper: An article-quality paper in which the student demonstrates the ability to carry out original research. It contains original thought, a command of the literature, sound linguistic analysis and argumentation, and clear presentation. Each paper must be no more than 50 double-spaced pages in length (tables, charts, spectrograms, footnotes, and bibliography included).
六、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 University of North Carolina at ChapelHill
所属地区 北卡罗来纳州
类 别 国家一级公立大学
学校类型 综合
学校属性 公立研究,AAU成员
主要院系 医学院,药学院,公共卫生学院,牙医学院,商学院,文理学院
校园面积 729(英亩) 新生住校比率 82%
The elective courses are expected to form a coherent program in a subfield of linguistics (e.g., phonology, syntax, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, language acquisition) or in the application of linguistics to a closely related discipline (e.g., anthropology, the study of a particular language or language family).
七、波士顿学院 Boston College
类 别 私立
学校类型 综合性大学
属 性 R1研究型大学
所属地区 美国马萨诸塞州
主要院系 文理学院、商学院、护理学院、教育学院、法学院 学校地址 美国马萨诸塞州波士顿西郊栗树山
年平均总费用 75027美元 录取率 29%(2015)
M. A. in Linguistics
八、罗切斯特大学 University of Rochester
类 别 私立大学
学校类型 综合研究型大学
新常春藤联盟 所属地区美国纽约州北部
硕士点 75 个 博士点 50 个
主要院系 伊斯曼音乐学院,光学研究所,西蒙商学院,医学与牙科学院等。
学校地址 纽约州罗切斯特市