Section A:阅读多选题
1. Aptitude for the skills required to study law
2. Potential to study law at undergraduate level, regardless of their education or personal background.
3. Verbal reasoning skills: comprehension, interpretation, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction
4. The LNAT is designed to test your intellectual abilities rather than your knowledge about a particular subject. There are no facts to learn and no lessons to revise in preparation for the test. Instead you should concentrate on exercising the relevant parts of your brain, and on familiarising yourself with the test format.
Section B:论文题
1. How should judges be appointed?
2. Make the best case you can for public funding of the arts.
3. Does it matter if some animal and plant species die out?
4. ‘It is right that students should contribute to the cost of their degrees.’ Do you agree?
5. What disciplinary sanctions should teachers be allowed to use?
6. ‘We must be prepared to sacrifice traditional liberties to defeat terrorism.’ Discuss.
7. Should the law require people to vote in general elections?
8. Should private cars be rationed? If so, how?
9. What is ‘political correctness’ and why does it matter?