猜你所在 确定
Some people believe that a country will benefit greatly by a high percentage of young people going to university while others argue that it only leads to higher unemployment rate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
University students who are well-educated can become competitive and all-rounded workforce of the nation, which is conducive to boosting the productivity of the society.
原因2: 大学生思想更加开放,这使他们在学术研究、科技和艺术等各个领域有所创新。
Graduate students who tend to be more open-minded are highly likely to innovate in a wide range of fields such as academic research, technology and art.
A high proportion of applicants with university diplomas in the job market may reduce their competitive edge, contributing to the increasing pressure of employment.
原因2: 一些大学生对工作的期待过高,他们宁愿失业也不愿意选择一些不合适的工作。
Some university graduates have excessively high expectation of their targeted jobs and they would rather be unemployed than take some unsuitable positions.
well-educated 受过良好教育的
all-rounded 全面发展的
open-minded 思想开放的
innovate 创新
conducive to (doing sth.) 有利于
boost productivity 提高生产率
a wide range of 范围广
competitive edge/advantage 竞争优势
targeted job 目标的工作
be unemployed 失业
literacy rate 识字率
overall development全面发展
social skills社交能力
apply…into practice 运用…到实践
academic qualification 学术资格证
improve the employability 提升就业能力
productive members of society 对社会有贡献的人
specialized skill 专业技能
Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefit the students themselves not the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
这个话题是围绕“大学学费是否应该完全自费的角度”展开的,很妙的是题目中设置了一个对应原因“大学生是大学教育的唯 一受益者”,所以建议学生们在写作这个话题的时候要考虑题目立场设定的狭隘性,回答的时候尽可能不选择题目内容的持方。
正方:大学生应该支付所有的学费因为他们是大学教育的唯 一受益者。
It is justifiable for university graduates to pay the full tuition because they can earn a higher salary than the less well-educated people.
People who attend university usually benefit through greater opportunities; therefore, it is logical to expect them to fully fund their own education.
It is absurd to place all the costs of higher education onto the students as the entire society gets more benefits than the education-receivers themselves.
Unquestionably, due to high-cost of university education, self-subsidised pattern probably imposes a heavily financial burden on the students, especially those coming from badly-off background; as a result of it, the fairer access to university education cannot be ensured.
Requiring students to bear the cost of higher education may cause them to avoid courses that lead to less well-paid jobs.
beneficiary n. 受益者
self-funded education n. 自费教育
deprive of v. 剥夺……(的机会)
absurd adj. 荒谬可笑的
justifiable adj. 无可非议的
tuition/tuition fees n. 学费
badly-off 贫困的=deprived=poverty
be motivated by 被驱动
community service 社区服务
high pressure 压力大
lighten the burden of 减轻...的负担
provide more job opportunities 提供更多的就业机会
Some people spend more time reading books, while others prefer to watch TV. The former groups are more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a much better grasp of language skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
这题需要注意的是在审题的时候需要区分第一句话是事实,第二句话是观点;所以讨论的时候需要注意围绕着“The former groups are more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a much better grasp of language skills”,讨论的时候需要围绕着阅读是否更能锻炼想象力以及语言技能来展开;在展开论证的时候一定要突出二者之间的对比。我们在破题的时候先考虑“帮助发展想象力和语言能力的因素有哪些,这些因素和阅读还是和看电视有关”。
原因1: 读书的时候,读者需要自行理解文段的意思,并想象图像;而看电视的时候观众能看到图像,所以没有必要去发挥想象力。
When perusing books, especially those including narrative texts, readers have to interpret the meaning of the words themselves and rely solely on their creativity to conjure the images; by contrast, when watching television, the images used to illustrate the meanings of words are shown on the screen, rendering the audience’s imagination unnecessary.
Compared with the written language in books, which comes with a higher register and covers a wide range of language usage, the language in television programmes is mostly less formal and is rather restricted in improving one’s language proficiency.
Unlike watching television where audience’s attention is often diverted to the images and sounds, reading books allows readers to concentrate on the lexicon and grammar, and therefore helps them to better improve their mastery of language.
Unlike reading books, watching television can provide the audience with sufficient listening and speaking materials, which may be stocked in their linguistic repertoires and can be used in giving precise description of one’s feelings or thoughts.
Compared with the silent and static world that one has to imagine when perusing a book, the features of television-motions and sounds-can stimulate different senses and attract people’s attention, and one’s ingenuity can be developed subsequently.
render 致使,使得
stimulate 促进
conjure 想象
visualize 想象,把…视觉化
register 语域
accessible 容易接受的
audience 观众
information technology 信息科技
information technology 信息科技
stimulate interest 激发兴趣
encourage imagination and creativity 促进想象力和创造力
entertaining 有娱乐性的
increase attention span 增强注意力
Money for postgraduate research is limited. Therefore, some people think financial support from governments should be only provided for scientific research of useful subjects rather than research for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?
Admittedly, the achievements in scientific and technological fields have become the driving forces of economic growth in most nations, and thus subsidy in science-related research in postgraduate programs should be prioritized by the authorities.
However, the governmental funding in postgraduate research should not only be restricted to scientific subjects; instead, other majors such as literature, philosophy and art should also be subsidized, because the purpose of postgraduate education is to encourage intensive research and innovation in a wide range of fields.
Different subjects in postgraduate programs should be funded equally, as they can contribute greatly to the civilization and progress of human beings.
subsidize 资助
fund 资金
prioritize 优先
authority 当局
driving force 驱动力
a wide range of 范围广
curriculum 课程大纲
holistic development 整体的发展
the maximum benefits 最大的好处
match interest 符合兴趣
be tailored to individual needs 满足个性化需要
practical subject 实用科目
Today’s children are living under more pressure from the society than children in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
原因1: 不同于以前无忧无虑的孩子,现在的学生要承受越来越大的压力,因为他们要花更多的时间使自己的学术表现更加优秀来满足家长和老师对他们更高的期望。
Unlike those carefree children in the past, today’s students tend to study under growing pressure, as they have to spend more time on excelling in their academic performance in order to meet the higher expectations of parents and teachers.
原因2: 当今的孩子被迫去掌握更多的社会技能,因为他们要全面发展才能在激烈的竞争中取得优势,然而以前的孩子会被鼓励在他们擅长的领域去培养兴趣。
Currently, children are forced to master a wider range of social skills, because they are supposed to become all-rounded so as to possess more competitive edge in the fierce competitions, while youngsters in the past were encouraged to concentrate merely on kindling their interest in their favourite fields.
Compared with the limited educational resources in the past, today’s society can offer more options for the next generations to pursue their goals, resulting in the alleviation of their stress to a certain extent.
excel 突出
fierce 激烈的
all-rounded 全面发展的
academic performance 学术表现
social skill 社交技能
competitive edge 竞争优势
concentrate on 集中精力于
kindle one’s interest 激发兴趣
pursue one’s goal 追求目标
ease stress 缓解压力
to a certain extent 在一定的程度上
establish themselves in society 立足社会
inferior complex 自卑感
de-motivated 失去动力的
a sense of competition 竞争意识
Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to judge what is right and wrong so that they can behave well. Others say that teachers should only teach students academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
It is often the case that knowledge of means can be used for a less noble end. For instance, the knowledge about marketing can be also applied in an unprincipled way, fraud. The purpose of education is to help children become active and able member of society, and for students, learning any field of knowledge or any professional endeavor should include acquiring the means and the ends of it. Therefore, teachers should shoulder the responsibility of teaching students of the values and moral codes accepted by the society.
With their teaching skills and specialized knowledge about children’s psychology and behaviours, teachers can immediately identify and correct mischiefs of students in the process of teaching and guiding.
原因3: 有相当数量的家长忙于工作,无暇照顾孩子,而老师作为教育学生的重要一环,应该承担起教育孩子明辨是非的责任。
It is not uncommon to see that many parents are immersed in their works, and under such circumstance, teachers, who are recognized as the most indispensable person of children’s education other than their parents, should take the accountability of teaching children to differentiate right from wrong.
原因1: 对于学术科目的教育非常重要,但是需要大量的时间,老师不一定有精力去教其它内容
While imparting students with comprehensive knowledge and practical techniques, which can help them improve their academic performance and lay a solid foundation for their future development, is acknowledged as the first priority of teachers, the teaching process can be time-consuming and demanding. In other words, if teachers are not required to teach students about morality, they can better concentrate on the teaching of academic subjects.
Teachers do not necessarily possess the skills and knowledge needed for the teaching of values and moral codes, and some teachers may even be flawed in their personality and traits, which suggests that they should be dedicated to the teaching of academic subjects.
moral codes:道德准则
specialized knowledge:专业知识
academic performance:学业表现
be dedicated to 致力于,专注于
demanding 要求高的
accountability 责任
mischief 胡闹
misconduct 坏事,不守规矩
take responsibility 承担责任
guidance of the teachers 老师的指导
a valuable member of any community 成为社会中有价值的成员
respect and obey the rules 尊重与遵循规则
behave selfishly 表现自私
narrow-minded views 心胸狭窄的观点
shape character 形成性格
good manners 有礼貌
role model 道德楷模
a sense of responsibility 责任感
Some people think it is all bad for children to watch TV, others believe watching TV can bring positive effects on children when they grow up. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
这个话题是围绕“大学学费是否应该完全自费的角度”展开的,很妙的是题目中设置了一个对应原因“大学生是大学教育的唯 一受益者”,所以建议学生们在写作这个话题的时候要考虑题目立场设定的狭隘性,回答的时候尽可能不选择题目内容的持方。
原因一: 看电视上瘾的话,对学习产生消极影响。
Addiction is the main concern for those who support the view that TV programs are harmful. Cartoons, comics, entertaining shows, for example, may allure children to sacrifice precious time for studying and this can lead to poor academic performance
原因二: 某些暴力色情电视节目会对身心造成不良影响。
Inappropriate information, like violent and obscene scenes may exert tremendous negative effect on children’s way to grow as frequent exposure to such programs in a long term may cause mental distortion or illusion.
原因一: 电视节目有教育意义且有趣。比如说纪录片丰富了小孩的背景知识
TV programs can produce beneficial effects on children in the way that they provide various way to entertain and more importantly fulfill the role to spread information. Documentary can broaden background knowledge in a fun way which classes in schools fail to achieve.
原因二:卡通、 电影、脱口秀也可以激发潜能。
Cartoons, films and talk shows can also build up new capacity and enhance existing ones since during screen time, they can, to some extent, increase their imagination as well as creativity and develop a grasp of language skills.
Parental supervision in this case is essential as watching TV has both positive and negative effects in equal measure. Although certain drawbacks are difficult to be overlooked, merits concerning gaining information and developing skills are far more apparent.
the maximum benefits 最大的好处
self-discipline 自制力,自律
stimulate interest 激发兴趣
encourage imagination and creativity 促进想象力和创造力
entertaining 有娱乐性的
vivid pictures 生动的图片
be addicted to 对…上瘾
In many parts of the world, children have more freedom than they used to have. Is this a positive or negative development?
理由1: 没有限制的束缚, 有利于孩子们找到自己的兴趣爱好,提高他们的创造力。
Without painful restrictions, children could explore their personal interests with their wishes, which could possibly enhance their creative skills.
Giving children more freedom contributes to the rapid development of the society. This is because children nowadays are not bound by tradition which is gradually eroding away. Instead, most of them adapt to the global culture which is the amalgamation of favorable points of different cultures, making the society they are living in become opener and more prosperous.
A great many children are not self-disciplined enough to arrange their agenda appropriately. Therefore, once they have more freedom, they are likely to develop bad habits rather than hone some practical skills.
With too much discretion, children are likely to make hasty decisions, which would have adverse effects on their long-run development. Their immaturity and lack of social experience would lead to their failure of seeing the far-reaching dire consequences of their choices.
discretion n. 自行选择的权力
erode v. 削弱,消减,侵蚀
young generations 年轻一代
have adverse effects on 有不利的影响
amalgamation n. 融合
amenity n. 令人愉快的事
rules and the norms of society 社会规则和规范
self-discipline 自制力,自律
be passionate about 对…很热情
obtain/ acquire/gain knowledge and skills 获取知识和技能
logical thinking 逻辑思维
It has been observed that most of the students at university do not choose science to study. Why does it happen? What are the effects on society?
这篇大作文是教育类(学习课程)的话题,讲的是大学生不选科学专业这一现象。题目问此现象的“原因”和“影响”,属于报告类题型,我们分别回应这2个问题即可。要特别注意的是,“影响”这一问,问的是对“社会的影响”(effects on society);如果写成了对“个人(学生)本身的影响”,那就偏题了。
Q1: The difficulty of science module and the lack of personal interest are the two main reasons behind this phenomenon.
College students who dread science are under the impression that it is difficult to learn.
Of all the subjects in university, science subjects are widely perceived as demanding in terms of both heavy workload and intellectual content. It is often the case that students may achieve little desirable results even when they already spend hours and hours finishing practical lab projects and preparing standard science tests.
Most students who feel reluctant to study science assume it simply boring because of its vast size.
Everything, from a nucleus of few Fermi metres to the size of universe, lies in the field of science study. All of these mind-numbing things, however, are irrelevant to everyday interests of students.
Q2: This trend has an adverse impact on the progress of society
A direct impact is the shortage of labor force in science-related industries.
If this trend continues, there will not be adequate science talents for certain branches of related industries such as agriculture. This may result in the gap in research for combating pests and other farming disasters, thus leading to a steep drop in crop yields over time.
Another impact on society relates to new developments of society.
It is widely acknowledged that science plays a pivotal role in modern advances and new discoveries. Fewer graduates with a degree in science mean that there are fewer intellectual talents working for new research and developments to tackle pressing issues such as medical advances that will banish life-threatening diseases.
demanding 费力费时的
intellectual content 学习内容
irrelevant to everyday interests 和日常爱好毫无关系
the shortage of labor force 劳动力短缺
science-related industries 科学相关行业
a steep drop in crop yields 农作物产量的急剧下降
intellectual workers 高智商人才
medical advances 医学上的进步
life-threatening diseases 危及生命的疾病
work-oriented=practical=professional =occupational 实用的
inspire curiosity 激发好奇心
contribute to 对…有贡献
encourage risk taking and exploration 鼓励冒险和探索
theoretical subjects 理论课程
career-oriented training 以职业为导向的培训
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