1. 学生向管理人员反映两台自动售卖机都出了问题。(管理员还比较惊讶的语气强调了They both故障了这里有考管理员这句是什么意思),这个学生说有一天下课都很晚了,咖啡厅都关门了。于是去自动售卖机买东西。(这里有个选项是自动售卖机的好处,于是我选择了during dayand night都可以买到食物。)结果买东西的时候付了钱,出来的东西是之前其他人购买的巧克力棒。管理人员向她说不如你跟Advisor说一下这个问题,这样的话问题会更快解决。学生又反应说希望售卖机能卖点比较健康的食物。管理人员说这个你也可以向Advisor提。(这两点,有道题考管理人员给学生的建议是什么)语言成绩免费在线评估>>>>
2. 女学生找prof,先是反馈自己的paper,有什么问题,教授说有点小问题,大概是她不仔细检查,回去再检查一下就行了,看得出来她还是用心了,女学生就说是的因为我最近比较忙。两个人就聊到了实习职位。教授就说有一个职位可以推荐你去,我有一个十年前毕业的学生,(提问为什么提到了这个学生)开了间公司,主要就是往橙汁里加柠檬汁让它味道更好,然后公司现在在招人。女学生说这是间食品公司,教授说不仅仅,他们也做漱口水生意什么的。然后教授又给她说了这个职位需要做什么,(有三点考了,好像是擦仪器,帮忙定supplies,还有个忘了)。
3.关于生物,讲的是海豚有一个什么概念体在体内,好像是tool用,但是这种行为在海洋生物中并不普遍,然后学生就举了别的生物这种tool use的行为,但都是在forage方面,然后又提出会不会是海豚利用这种方式去play,但是教授很快就反驳了这个观点。然后提出这个海绵可以帮助海豚保护自己,但是会影响他们的回声,但是三文鱼石头坚硬的地方生活而且海豚不能通过回声捕捉三文鱼,所以这个海绵体在海豚捕捉三文鱼方面有很大作用。
4.美国的快餐业雏形。美国最早的快餐业的雏形是一种自动售货的机器。因为新颖,许多美国人选择去那里就餐。这种机器的好处:1.省时。人们可以去theater的路上买来吃。2.fresh food。管理机器的公司有严格的rules,会保证产品质量。比如overnight food 绝不售卖,另外咖啡如果超过20min没人买就会处理掉。当然这也是卖点。(考点)3.glass。因为售卖机是玻璃柜子,人们可以清楚看到买的item。转折点:Depression美国经济萧条,人们开始在郊区生活,不去城里使用自动售货机。于是快餐业又兴起了fast food chain,一种新模式。不过作者和许多人对于以前那种不同阶级地位的人坐在拥挤的售卖机前一起共餐的画面还是很怀念的(考点)。
1. What does the woman hope to find out by going to the art museum?
A. What types of volunteer positions are available for students
B. How much she would be paid for working as a tour guide
C. Whether alternative arrangements can be made for becoming a tour guide
D. Why a particular museum employee has not returned her phone calls
2. Why does the woman mention a test that she has to take为什么女士提到她必须参加的考试
A. To explain why she is unable to attend a training session
B. To let the man know that she will be late for the tour on Monday
C. To list one requirement she must fulfill to receive extra credit
D. To show that she is aware of what she must do to become a tour guide
3. Why does the woman want to start working at the art museum before the current semester ends?
A. To fulfill a graduation requirement
B. To improve her grade in a class
C. To earn money for the following semester
D. To conduct research for a paper
4. What does the man imply when he mentions Professor Tyler?
A. That he is familiar with the situation the woman is in
B. That the training session for new tour guides covers some of the same material covered in art history classes
C. That Professor Tyler recognizes which students would make good tour guides
D. That Professor Tyler may have given the woman incorrect information about the job
5. According to the man, why might the woman want to consider a data processing position?
Click on 2 answers.
A. It is probably more exciting than working as a tour guide.
B. It would allow the woman to begin working immediately.
C. It would give the woman experience in her major.
D. It could eventually lead to a paying job.
1. When you and your friend have disagreement, what would you do to solve the disagreement. Please include details and examples in your explanation.
Well, actually, people argue with each other about random and trivial stuff, like what food to eat, which movie to watch, stuff like that. I usually analyze the situation, and try to understand the real cause of the disagreement. For example, I once argued about which movie to watch, and I wanted to watch action movie, however, my friend preferred comedy. After that, I get angry and really annoyed, but later, I realized the real cause of my anger was not about which movie to watch, and the real cause was that I have lots assignment due next week, and I couldn't stand that pressure, so I apologized to my friend, and we are still friends now.
2. Talk about two schools which you attended and their differences.
Well, the first school that I attended in the US is called XXXXX, it's located in a very small town with a population less than 20 thousand. The professor seems to know everyone, because the class size is very small. So everyone got a chance to discuss with the professor about academic problems. The second university I went to is university of XXXX, this university is in decent size with a big campus, there is about 30000 students and faculties altogether. I like the second one because it's a big athletic university and I am big college sports fan. I follow Mizzou basketball and football very closely.
3. A friend of yours is going to study at another university and he's worried that he won't be able to make any friends there. What suggestions would you give him and why?
Personally, I would suggest him join all kinds of social activities, for example, like volunteer activities, fundraising, and going on field trip organized by the school. Also, he should join clubs, like sports club, poem club, debating club, and even martial art club. In this way, he can interact with the club members. If he is lucky, he might come across someone who is from the same place of him or her. Additionally, he or she might find someone who have the same hobby, you know, one has so much to talk about when meeting someone who have the same hobby.
4. Which of the following do you think is the best way to get to know a new school, joining a one-day campus tour, spending a weekend on a campus playing field or auditing the lectures?
Personally, I would say auditing class is the best way to know the university better, since faculty members are an indispensable part of the university. Their knowledge,teaching skills and even the way they teach the class represent the university. The values they uphold in the class are the ones that are cherished by the university. Plus, when auditing class, one can tell if there are lots of class discussions or not, also, they get to know the size of the class. These are important factors when choosing a university since nobody wants to attend a school, whose class size are too big, because in a big class one cannot interact with their peers and professors.
5. A friend of yours always gets up late in the morning and misses his morning classes. The professor has told him that this behavior will affect his grade. What advice would you give him and why?
Personally, I would suggest him sleep early, actually he should go to bed before 10 o'clock, and then he can take a good rest, hence the next day he can go to the class refreshed. Additionally, I would say he should talk to the professor and ask him or her if it is possible for him to make up the absence in another way, like doing an extra credit assignment and I bet if he is sincere enough, the professor will understand his tough situation and might say yes to him, so eventually he can keep a higher GPA.
1、考题出现时间:2015-12-5 CN
Reading: the university is considering moving the student theater center from campus to the nearby downtown.
1) Downtown theater has a larger space and it can contain more audiences.
2) The new theater will have better technical facilities, so that students can get better light and sound while they are appreciating performances audiences in the downtown theater are mainly students. It is quite inconvenient for them to drive for 20 min to get there to see performances, so few of them would like to go to the new theater.
1) The facilities in School Theater are quite basic and easy to operate. However, students are not professional and well-trained, and the facilities in downtown theater will be too complex for students to operate.
2) So, students might end up with worse lights and sounds than what they have now. So, better facilities are not necessarily good as in the school theatre.
阅读标题:Notice on policy change in room transfer requirements,将原来的学期初接受调换寝室请求改为开学5周后。
原因1:学期初的时间应该留给工作人员处理higher priority的事务。
原因2:总会有很多move-in and move out,很干扰学习,而学期初的学业表现很重要。
第二点是男生所在的children education department 提供实习机会。
阅读:Computer Repair Center Closes Later,目前是5pm关门,建议延迟到9pm
2)It won’t be hard to hire employees。
听力:女生totally disagree