








    您当前咨询的顾问所在分公司为 北京 为您推荐就近分公司 上海 的顾问

    继续向佘维清提问 >









    1.      Why school

     Why are you interested in our college?

    What can our college offer you that another college can’t?

    What will you contribute to our campus community?

    What other colleges do you apply for? Is our college your first choice?

    Why do you want to go to college?



    2.      Why major & career plan

     Why do you want to major in Math/Biology/Economics…?

    Tell about your passion to Math/Biology/Economics…?

    What do you plan to do after graduation? Why?

    What is your expectation on your career?

    What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now? Why?



    3.      Background

     Tell about your family and your community.

    Who influenced you most in your life?

    Who most helped you to get to where you are today?

    Tell about your high school.

    What do you love most for your community/high school?



    4.      Personality

     What makes you special/unique/different?

    What are your strengths?

    What are your weaknesses?

    Use three adjectives to describe yourself. Why the three?

    How do your friends see you?

    What do you do best?

    If given a chance to change yourself, which part of you do you want to change?

    Have you ever gone through transformation? How and why?



    5.      Personal Interests

     Tell about your favorite book/movie/song/art piece/architecture.

    Who is your hero?

    Which historical figure do you most admire?

    What do you do for fun in spare time?

    Which subject do you love most in high school? Which one do you find most challenging?

    Tell about your hobby.

    Tell about the most important lesson that you learned from your interests.



    6.      Experiences & Activities

     What is your most important experience in high school?

    Tell about a challenge that you overcome.

    Tell about a success that you achieve.

    What did you do this summer?

    What do you do recently?

    Tell about your leadership. (面试官会提出关于leadership的具体问题:If you are a leader, what do you think about teamwork? How do you overcome challenges to your leadership? Have you ever taken risks? How do you manage stress? )

    Tell about your most important activity. (面试官会根据申请者的简历或PS提出问题:Why did you choose to do it? What is the most difficult part? How did you work with others? What did you learn?)

    Tell about your community service. (同上)

    If you could do one thing in high school differently, what would it be?

    Tell about your most important research. (面试官会根据申请者所作研究提出问题:What is your methodology? Is it academic important? Any similar researches done before? Why do you design the research? What is the most difficult part? What is the conclusion?)



    7.      Issues

     (1). Political issues

    What do you think about the role of China/USA in the world?

    Tell about your understandings on Sino-USA relations.

    What do you think about the Occupy Wall Street Movement? What are the possible influences on politics/economics/cultures?

    What do you think about the revolutions in Arabic world?

    Tell about your understandings on terrorism.

    What do you think about the role of international governmental organizations like APEC or NATO?


     (2). Economic issues

    Tell about your understandings on loan crisis in the US.

    What do you think about the Euro crisis? What are the possible solutions?

    What do you think about the role of China in global financial crisis?

    What is your opinion on China’s real estate bubble?

    What do you think about the role of G20 in world economics?

    Tell about your understandings on BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China).

     (3). Social issues

    What do you think about the legalization of same-sex marriage in the US?

    Tell about your understandings on women’s positions in society.

    Tell about your understandings on China’s current social problems. (Values, ethics, the gap between the rich and the poor, indifference to humanity, etc)

    What do you think about the recent headlines?

    (4) Cultural issues

    Tell about the differences between Chinese and American cultures.

    Tell about the differences between the West and East Coast of the US.

    Describe a cultural shock that you experience.

    Tell about your understandings on cultural diversity.

    What do you think about the influences of globalization on cultural diversity?

    Tell about your understandings on the “clash” of Western culture and Muslin culture.

     (5) Environmental protection issues

    What do you think about the different air pollution indexes between China and WHO?

    What do you think about the World Climate Summit? Do you think it is fruitful? Why

    What do you think the key to environmental protection?

    What can you contribute to the environment of our campus?

     (6) Other issues

    What do you think about the “Apple Effect”? What do you think about Steve Jobs?


     8.      Others

     If you have 5 thousand dollars to give away, what will you do with the money? (宾大)

    How do you learn English? (哈佛医学院)

    What is the meaning of life for you? (USF)

    Tell about your failure in teamwork. (西北大学凯洛格商学院)

    If you are a Government Press Spokesman, what will you say to the public? (密歇根州立大学)

    How do you express the inner world of your heart? (北卡教堂山)

    Have you ever tried to do something that you are not talented in, such as singing and painting? Why? (北卡教堂山)

    If you have to choose 12 words as your epitaph, which words will you choose? (学校不明,这个狠了)

    Tell about a case that you stood up to against the majority. Why? (学校不明)





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    您当前咨询的 佘维清 顾问,所在分公司为 - ,已为您推荐就近分公司 - 的顾问。

