[沈阳留学」恭喜Q同学收获悉尼大学工程硕士 (电气工程)专业录取!
Q同学目前在国内双非院校自动化专业大四在读,均分84+,找到我们制定留学规划的时候,学生同时也申请了香港,我们根据学生的学历背景和均分情况,再结合对澳洲院校专业的诉求,我们建议他申请悉尼大学工程学硕士(电气工程)专业,于是我们准备好申请材料之后第一时间递交了申请,在申请递交的4周后,学生幸运的收到了录取通知书。 悉尼大学工程硕士(电气)学位旨在为学生提供所选工程领域的深厚技术技能,并结合沟通、领导力、时间和资源管理领域的专业发展。 悉尼大学工程硕士(电气)是相关领域毕业生在澳大利亚和海外执业认可的工程师最向往两年全日制学位。 适合有科学或数学基础希望成为工程师,或有工程学位但希望改变工程方向的学生,该专业提供的认证资格将使学生能够在澳洲和海外执业。该学位还将帮助您发展必要的良好沟通、管理和决策能力,以解释和讨论您专业领域的复杂问题。 悉尼大学电气工程硕士课程核心信息: 1.英文全称:Master of Professional Engineering (Electrical) 2.学制:2-3 年全日制,2年为Accelerated 3.开学时间:2月、7月 4.学费:A$50,500每年 悉尼大学电气工程硕士课程结构: 必修课 COMP9001: Introduction to Programming COMP9123: Data Structures and Algorithms ELEC9602: Digital Logic ELEC9703: Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering ELEC9103: Simulations & Numerical Solutions in Eng ELEC9302: Signals and Systems ELEC9601: Computer Systems ELEC9704: Electronic Devices and Circuits ENGG5202: Sustainable Design, Engineering & Management ENGG5204: Engineering Professional Practice Foundation选修课 Engineering Electromagnetics Electricity Networks Power Electronics and Applications Electrical Energy Conversion Systems Control Digital Signal Processing Electronic Circuit Design Communications Electronics and Photonics Communications Communications Networks Digital Communication Systems Embedded Systems Computer Architecture Internet Software Platforms E-Business Analysis and Design Management 选修课 Quality Engineering and Management Management of Technology International Engineering Strategies and Operations Management of Engineering Innovation Professional Project Practice 电气工程选修课 Pervasive Computing Advanced Network Technologies Parallel and Distributed Computing Antennas and Propagation Topics in Power Engineering Power Systems Analysis and Protection High Voltage Engineering Sustainable Energy Systems Advanced Power Conversion Technologies Intelligent Electricity Networks Power System Dynamics and Control Power System Planning and Markets Computer Control System Design Intelligent Visual Signal Understanding Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Video Intelligence and Compression Advanced Signal Processing with Deep Learning Radio Frequency Engineering Error Control Coding Wireless Engineering Mobile Networks Satellite Communication Systems Optical Communication Systems Optical Networks Networked Embedded Systems Electrical and Optical Sensor Design Software Defined Networks IoT for Critical Infrastructures Real Time Computing Computer and Network Security Software Quality Engineering Object Oriented Application Frameworks Model Based Software Engineering Signals, Software and Health Technology Venture Creation Advanced Bioelectronics