自然资源保护协会、山水自然保护中心、JA中国、毕业后公益、壹基金、北京新阳光慈善基金会|实习、全职岗位(北京 长沙 广州 深圳)
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is an international nonprofit environmental organization with more than 3 million members and online supporters. Since 1970, our lawyers, scientists, and other environmental specialists have worked to protect the world's natural resources, public health, and the environment. For over two decades, the NRDC has worked in China as a thought leader and trusted adviser to our partners. With a highly effective team of more than 40 members based in our Beijing office, we have worked hard at both the national and local levels to recommend, develop, and support the implementation of innovative laws, policies, technologies, and market tools that curb pollution and accelerate China’s transition to a clean, low-carbon economy. NRDC's Beijing Representative Office is registered under the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau and supervised by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China in accordance with applicable laws.
· Help to research trends and progress in low carbon transition of power sector, other industries and provinces.
· Assist with relevant policy research on energy transition nationally and in provinces.
· Conduct high-quality Chinese-English translations.
· Provide administrative support (e.g., on-site support for internal and external meetings) per the request of team members.
· Strong interest in power, climate and energy policies, low-carbon development, etc.
· Enrolled undergraduate (at least Junior)/graduate student for a degree in Energy, Environment, Climate, Power, Public Policy and other related majors.
· Able to do the internship at least 3 days a week for no less than three months.
· Familiar with energy policies and issues and/or with statistics and policy analysis background is preferred.
· Experience of participating in relevant research and projects is preferred.
· Response to requests in a timely manner
· Ability to work independently with little supervision.
To apply, please send a letter of interest and your resume (both Chinese and English) to Ms. Bai Qihan at qbai@nrdc-china.org and indicate your availability.
The subject of your application email should be entitled “Power Intern applicant: your name.” Internship offers are made on a rolling basis. Early applicants are encouraged.
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∣ OECMs实习生 ∣
《昆蒙框架》目标3提出到2030年至少保护30%的陆地、内陆水域、沿海和海洋区域(即“3030目标”),而目前全球自然保护地仅覆盖了16.4%的陆地和8.3%的海洋,这一数据在我国是18%和不足5%。“3030目标”的实现,不仅需要提升现有保护地的有效管理,也需要在更广泛的保护地以外的空间寻找自然保护的可能性。其他有效的区域保护措施(Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures, OECMs),作为保护地的重要补充,近年来在世界各国日益得到重视,因其鼓励社会多元主体参与的包容性和支持更多样区域管理目标的灵活性,被普遍认为是能够大幅增加陆地和海洋受保护面积以实现“3030目标”的新型保护工具。
1. 通过桌面和实地调研,收集与整理国内外相关案例,编辑和校对案例信息,并协助开展相关分析;
2. 筹备和组织开展OECM相关研讨交流活动;
3. 协助团队其他工作。
1. 实习期大于等于三个月,每周实习时间大于等于三天;
2. 对解决问题充满好奇心;
3. 认真负责,具有较好的沟通和协调能力;
4. 具有桌面调研、文献综述、分析材料并汇报,以及整理文字的能力;
5. 一定的生态学、环境科学、地理信息系统、社会学、公共政策学等相关背景和经历;
6. 加分项:文字表达能力、生物多样性保护实践经验、活动筹备经验、设计能力。
1. 了解中国和国际生物多样性保护实践的机会;
2. 开放和简单的工作环境;
3. 基础顾问费/实习生工资、意外保险等。