








    您当前咨询的顾问所在分公司为 北京 为您推荐就近分公司 上海 的顾问

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    About You - Part A

    Question 1 Reasons for choosing your program and Waterloo (*Required)


    Please tell us about your educational goals, your interest in your chosen program(s), and your reasons for applying to the University of Waterloo. If you have applied to more than one program please discuss your interest in each program.  (900-character limit)




    Question 2-Extracurricular Activities课外活动

    Please list any extracurricular activities or areas of significant interest. These could include leadership or participation in school organizations or projects, athletics, travel, community, social activities, drama, music, clubs, personal hobbies and/or significant volunteer work.



    Activity type 




    Start date


    End date


    Grade 10/Grade 11/Grade 12








    Question 3-Extracurricular Activities - additional information (optional) 


    Provide any additional information about anything in the above table.  (600 character limit)





    Question 4-Employment Background就业背景

    Please list your most significant part-time or full-time employment in the past 2 years, beginning with the most recent.


    Note: If you have been away from school or university for more than 2 years, in addition to completing this form please email a current résumé (include your Waterloo ID#) to the Registrar's Office at myapplication@uwaterloo.ca.

    如果你已经离开学校或大学2年以上,除了填写这张表格外,请将你当前的简历(包括你的Waterloo ID#)通过电子邮件发送到注册办公室邮箱。




    Job title


    Brief description




    Start date


    End date




    Question 5-Special achievements, distinctions, and awards特殊成就、荣誉和奖励

    If you have received any academic or non-academic awards or distinctions, please list them below. Please provide the Size of Competition if you know how many people participated.



    Award type


    Award, honour or distinction


    Year achieved


    Size of competition if applicable



    About You - Part B


    Additional Information附加信息

    In addition to the specific information requested in all of the AIF questions, please tell us anything else about yourself that you would like us to know when we review your application.  Please make sure to complete all sections of the AIF before submitting this page.  (900 character limit)




    Course Information

    Question 1 Current 2020/2021 Courses (*Required) 目前课程

    Ontario students:  安大略省的学生

    *List all 4U or 4M courses that will be completed in the 2020/2021 school year (by the end of June 2021).  

    *Include your final mark for any course that has been completed or "IP" for any courses that will be completed in the current school year.  

    All students: 所有学生

    *Include any International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement courses in the chart as well as any college or university courses that have been completed or will be completed by the end of June 2021.

    Students outside Ontario:  安大略省以外的学生

    *List all courses that will be completed in the 2020/2021 school year (by the end of June 2021).

    *Include your final mark for all Grade 12 or CEGEP courses that have been completed or "IP" for any in-progress courses that will be completed.




    Students not currently attending high school, CEGEP, or equivalent: 未就读高中、CEGEP或同等学历的学生:

    *Ignore the year headings in the chart and list courses relevant to our admission requirements.  

    *Please explain your background in the Additional Course Information question below.


    Note:  The Course Name box below allows only 8 characters. Please use appropriate course names when available eg. MATH, BIOL, CHEM.  The Level box below should be 12, U or M, AP, IB , AL (A-Level) or CEGEP, etc.


    Course name






    Completion date


    Night school/summer school/Saturday school/ distance education/Online




    Course mark



    Question 2-Courses Prior to Fall 20202020年秋季之前的课程

    Ontario students:  安大略省的学生

    *List all Grade 12U, Grade 12M courses that have been completed by the end of August 2020.  Include your final mark.


    All students: 所有学生

    *Include any International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement courses in the chart as well as any college or university courses that have been completed by the end of August 2020.



    Students outside Ontario:  安大略省以外的学生


    *List the courses and marks for all Grade 12 or CEGEP courses that have been completed by the end of August 2020. Include your final mark.


    Students not currently attending high school, CEGEP, or equivalent: 未就读高中、CEGEP或同等学历的学生:

    *Ignore the year headings in the chart and list courses relevant for the program you applied to.  

    *Please explain your background in the Additional Course Information question below.


    Course name






    Completion date


    Night school/summer school/Saturday school/ distance education/Online




    Course mark



    Question 3-Additional Courses Information针对未就读高中的学生

    Students not currently attending high school, CEGEP, or equivalent:   List courses relevant to our admission requirements for the program(s) you applied to.  Please explain your background in this section. (900 character limit)




    Question4-Courses not taken at your regular day school正规日校没有选修的课程

    Please provide a reason why any Grade 12 (or equivalent) courses listed above were not taken at your regular day school. (900 character limit)




    Question 5-Repeated Courses重修课程

    Please provide a reason why any Grade 12 (or equivalent) courses listed above were repeated. (900 character limit)





    Question 6-Upgrading进修

    If you have been out of school and are in the process of refreshing your academic skills for admission to the University of Waterloo, such as by taking pre-university-level mathematics courses, please list the course(s) below.  (600 character limit)





    Math & Computer Science


    Question 1 2020 Mathematics Contests

    There is strong evidence that students who prepare for and participate in mathematics contests are more likely to succeed in university-level mathematics courses.


    If you have written any of the following contests,  enter the score you received.  If you have not written any of the following contests, check the "no" checkbox. If you have written any of the following contests and do not know the score, please leave the box blank.


    Did you write the Euclid Contest in April 2020?  

    Yes or No. If Yes-Score


    Did you write the Fermat Contest in February 2020?  

    Yes or No. If Yes-Score


    Did you write the Hypatia Contest in April 2020? 

    Yes or No. If Yes-Score


    Do you plan or did you write the Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest in November 2020? 

    Yes or No. If Yes-Score


    Question 2 2021 Euclid Contest (*Required)

    We recommend that you prepare for and write the Euclid Contest that takes place on April 7, 2021 in North and South America and on April 8, 2021 outside North and South America.  The deadline to register is March 18, 2021.  If you have not already registered, you are encouraged to contact the Head of the Mathematics Department of your school.  For resources to help you prepare, visit www.cemc.uwaterloo.ca.  The Euclid Contest is not required for admission, but a strong performance on the Euclid Contest can help earn you a place in the Faculty of Mathematics.  Results from the Euclid Contest will be a factor in awarding entrance scholarships, and you will be considered for most entrance scholarships only if you write the Euclid Contest.


    Are you planning to write the Euclid Contest in April 2020? 是否参加2020年4月的欧几里得竞赛?




    Question 3 Canadian Computing Competition

    This competition provides students with an opportunity to test their abilities in designing and understanding algorithms as well as programming.  The deadline to register is February 9, 2021. Stage 1 of the competition takes place on February 17, 2021 in North and South America and February 18, 2021 outside North and South America.

    Will you write Canadian Computing Competition (Senior level) in Feb 2021? If yes, leave score blank.

    Yes or No. If Yes-Score


    Did you write the Canadian Computing Competition (Senior level) in February 2020?

    Yes or No. If Yes-Score


    Question 4 Other Contests

    If you have written or are planning to write other contests, either math or non-math, please list them below with your scores, if available.  (limit 900 characters)



    Question 5 Pandemic Information

    During the coronavirus pandemic, our lives have changed dramatically.  For some of us, this has meant significant changes to our personal, family and community lives.  You might have spent time caring for people around you.  You might have spent more time on academic work than usual.  You might have been able to use this as an opportunity for growth in other ways.  Please tell us about two or three of the most significant things that have taken your time during the pandemic.  (limit 900 characters)




    Question 6 Reference Information (*Required) 推荐人

    Provide the information below for a mathematics teacher who could act as a reference for you.  Your teacher does not have to do anything at this time, but may be contacted later by admissions personnel to provide a reference.


    Ontario students:  Provide the information for the teacher who taught you Grade 12 U Advanced Functions or Grade 12 U Calculus and Vectors.  If you have not taken either of these courses, provide the information for a mathematics teacher who taught you a senior mathematics course.


    All other students:  Provide the information for a teacher who taught you Grade 12, CEGEP, a senior level mathematics course, or a college or university mathematics course.  


    If you're currently not attending a high school, college, or university:  Provide the name and contact information for a person who could act as a professional or personal reference.


    Reference type

    Math reference

    First name


    Last name






    Email address






    Question 1 Engineering Interests and Goals (*Required)

    Briefly explain why you are interested in engineering and particularly in the program to which you have applied. Comment, for example, on your interests and abilities; your career goals; exposure to engineering through school-related and other experiences; and discussions you have had with engineers, teachers, current or past Waterloo students.  (900 character limit)

    简要说明为什么对工程感兴趣。 例如,兴趣和能力; 职业目标; 通过与学校相关的经验和其他经验接触工程学; 以及与工程师,老师,滑铁卢现在或往届的学生进行的讨论。 (900字符以内-是字符不是字数


    Question 2 More About Your Goals (*Required)

    What sorts of things would you like to do or accomplish in Waterloo Engineering and why?  (900 character limit)




    Question 3 Programming Knowledge

    If you have applied to Software Engineering you are required to demonstrate that you have experience in developing well-structured, modular programs. However, all applicants should list their programming experience if applicable.


    For every programming language in which you have at least four months of programming experience, list the language, number of months experience you have in using the language (not how long you have known it), and capacity in which you used the language (e.g., courses completed, work experience, self education). (600 character limit)



    对于至少有四个月编程经验的每种编程语言,请列出该语言,使用该语言的经验月数(而不是您了解该语言的时间)以及使用该语言的能力(例如 完成的课程,工作经验,自我教育)。 (600个字符以内



    Question 4 *Scholarships

    Do you want to be automatically considered for an entrance scholarship? A separate application form is not required.  Please see Questions 5, 6, and 7 below for special instructions. 是否考虑自动入学奖学金?如果是,看5,6,7题




    Question 5 Shad Valley Program

    If you have attended the Shad Valley program, you can be considered for one of our scholarships for Shad Valley alumni.  Be sure to discuss Shad Valley experiences in your AIF.

    如果已参加Shad Valley计划,则可以考虑将其作为Shad Valley校友的奖学金之一。 请务必在您的AIF中讨论Shad Valley的经历。




    Question 6 FIRST Robotics Participation

    Some Engineering applicants may be eligible for a unique scholarship based on their participation with FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology).

    Have you been active on a FIRST team? If so, please be sure to discuss your FIRST experiences in your AIF. 一些工程申请者可能会因参加FIRST项目而有资格获得独特的奖学金。您一直活跃在FIRST团队中吗? 如果是这样,请确保在您的AIF中讨论您的首次体验。




    Question 7 Chemical, Civil, Environmental or Mechanical Engineering

    If your first choice program is Chemical, Civil, Environmental or Mechanical Engineering, consider applying for the $10,000 Suncor Emerging Leaders Awards Program. Applicants must complete the online interview that will be used in the selection. Are you planning to apply? 如果首选专业是化学,土木,环境或机械工程,请考虑申请10,000美元的Suncor新兴领导人奖计划申请人必须完成将用于选择的在线面试您打算申请吗?




    Question 8 Alternate Engineering Program Choice

    If we are unable to offer you a place in your first-choice Engineering program, we may be able to consider you for an alternate Engineering program by clicking the link below. You may only select one alternate choice for Engineering.




    Architectural Engineering HC


    Chemical Engineering HC


    Civil Engineering HC


    Computer Engineering HC


    Electrical Engineering HC


    Environmental Engineering HC


    Geological Engineering HC


    Mechanical Engineering HC


    Mechatronics Engineering HC


    Management Engineering HC


    Nanotechnology Engineering HC


    Systems Design Engineering HC





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    您当前咨询的 金蕊 顾问,所在分公司为 - ,已为您推荐就近分公司 - 的顾问。

