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    1 麦吉尔大学 2020年秋季课程将主要通过远程平台提供 https://www.mcgill.ca/newsroom/channels/news/mcgills-fall-2020-semester-322097 To allow McGill students to begin, or continue, their academic path no matter where they are, Fall 2020 courses will be offered primarily through remote delivery platforms. 2 英属哥伦比亚大学 2020年秋季的大课改为线上授课,部分小课会线下进行 https://broadcastemail.ubc.ca/2020/05/11/covid-19-ubcs-approach-for-the-fall-term/ During fall 2020, UBC will primarily offer larger classes online with selected smaller classes conducted in-person, adhering to physical distancing and other public health requirements. We will maintain a clear focus on ensuring high-quality face-to-face instruction, where possible, and high-quality remote instruction. Individual Faculties will be sharing updates about specific programs in the coming weeks. 3 西蒙菲沙大学 2020年秋季学期大多数课程将继续通过远程方法进行授课。 https://www.sfu.ca/sfunews/stories/2020/05/fall-term-planning.html "SFU has made the following decisions for the 2020 fall term: Most classes will continue to be delivered through remote methods. " 4 渥太华大学 所有课程(除某些例外情况)在2020秋季都将提供远程学习选项。 https://www.uottawa.ca/coronavirus/en Therefore, all our courses, with some exceptions, will include a distance-learning option in the fall. 5 FIC 我们的2020年秋季学期定于2020年9月8日开始。我们准备提供面对面和远程学习选项。 https://www.fraseric.ca/covid19-updates-and-faqs Our Fall 2020 term is set to begin on September 8, 2020. We are prepared to offer both in-person and remote learning options. As the semester start date nears, please continue to check your email and our website for updates. 6 ICM "如果学生无法出行,我们将提供其他教学方法,使学生可以不间断地开始或继续学习。 2020年秋季学期将于9月初开始,当前课程计划于9月8 日开始。" https://www.icmanitoba.ca/covid19-updates-and-faqs We are hopeful that the travel bans will be lifted in time for the September term. If students are unable to travel, we will have alternative instruction methods available so students can start or continue with their studies uninterrupted. 7 维多利亚大学 2020年秋季学期将主要提供线上课程 https://www.uvic.ca/covid-19/home/updates/fall-announcement-may2020.php We are committed to offering students options for staying on track, graduating on time, and meeting their learning goals. With these factors in mind, we will be offering programming predominantly online for the fall term. 8 温哥华岛大学 VIU将于今年秋天使用混合教学模式,具体情况6月8号前公布。 https://adm.viu.ca/health-and-safety/covid-19/frequently-asked-questions-fall-semester#International3 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and guidelines issued by our government around physical distancing and hygiene practices, VIU will be using a hybrid model of education delivery this fall. 9 西安大略大学 我们预计将采用“混合模式”,其中一些课程(或课程的一部分)将以虚拟方式提供,而其他课程则是面对面的。 https://www.uwo.ca/coronavirus/presidents-updates/index.html Teams across campus have been planning for the fall. We anticipate a “mixed model” in which some of our courses (or parts of them) will be delivered virtually, and others face-to-face. 10 布鲁克大学 "Brock 大学商学院合作硕士项目MBA ISP 和MPAcc ISP 对2020年即将到来的开学季做如下调整。 1. 8月开课的Business English and Skills Transition program (BEST)课程改为在线授课形式。这个课程是所有9月入学学生在入学前必须参加的课程。 2.9月开课是线上授课还是网课,学校目前暂未决定,但学校也做了网课的准备。 " 官方邮件 "Please see important message for applicants to the Goodman School of Business MPAcc (ISP) and MBA (ISP) programs. Please share this messsage with your students. As we work through this historic period of global disruption, we understand the impact COVID-19 may have on your ability to arrive on campus in time to commence study in August. With this in mind, we are providing the following adjustments to reduce uncertainty on your ability to start in August 2020: • First, our Business English and Skills Transition program (BEST) which is delivered in August will be accessed online. The program will remain a requirement of all students prior to proceeding to graduate courses in September, but you will be able to take the program from your home location. • Second, we are ensuring that your fall term of studies in either our MPAcc or MBA program is available online. " 11 纽芬兰纪念大学 秋季学期远程线上授课 https://www.mun.ca/covid19/news.php?id=13316&type=news Memorial University will welcome new and returning students to a primarily remote teaching and learning environment for the fall semester. Full in-person, on-campus courses will not resume before January 2021. 12 康考迪亚大学 秋季学期确定为线上课程 http://www.concordia.ca/cunews/main/stories/2020/05/14/fall-term-online-work-from-home-continues.html?c=/coronavirus As anticipated in my message to the community of May 1, I’m writing today to confirm that the fall 2020 term will be delivered almost entirely online, accessible anytime, from anywhere in the world. The vast majority of our faculty and staff will continue to work from home for the foreseeable future. 13 阿尔伯塔大学 2020年秋季学期的大部分课程将通过远程和在线方式提供 https://www.ualberta.ca/covid-19/updates/05/2020-05-15-update-for-week-ending-may-15.html The majority of classes in the Fall 2020 term will be delivered remotely and online. Where possible, we are committed to providing small group and in-person learning. Updates will continue to be posted on this site as they become available. 14 滑铁卢大学 所有大型课程都将在线上进行 https://uwaterloo.ca/coronavirus/news/were-planning-combined-approach-fall-term-learning-0 "All large classes will happen online this fall. Some classes and supports will be available in person." 15 皇家大学 2020年12月31日前,皇家路大学的所有校内课程都在线进行 https://www.royalroads.ca/news-events/covid-19 All on-campus classes at Royal Roads University, including residencies, have moved online until Dec. 31, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 16 温莎大学 2020年秋季学期将采取线上授课模式 https://www.uwindsor.ca/coronavirus/ A decision has therefore been made to deliver UWindsor courses, including their final exams, primarily online in Fall 2020. 17 瑞尔森大学 秋季学期如期进行,大部分课程将在线提供 https://www.ryerson.ca/news-events/news/2020/05/planning-for-a-safe-engaging-fall-2020-term-continues/ I can assure you that our fall term will take place and we are committed to providing students, new and returning, with the exceptional education and engaging experiences that Ryerson is known for. While the majority of course offerings will be online, we continue to explore and plan for a potential mix of online and in-person classes. 18 劳里埃大学 秋季学期继续提供线上课程 https://students.wlu.ca/virtual/faq.html the university announced its overall approach to the fall — Laurier will continue to offer most courses online and virtually. 19 约克大学 大部分课程将在线进行 https://coronavirus.info.yorku.ca/ Classes for the 2020-2021 academic year will begin in September even if courses need to be delivered wholly or partially through online/remote instruction. 20 女王大学 大部分课程为远程授课 https://www.queensu.ca/gazette/stories/principal-patrick-deane-shares-details-fall-2020-planning We will most likely see a phased-in approach to our return to campus, with many, if not most courses being delivered remotely.” 21 麦克马斯特大学 秋季学期所有课程都将在线上进行 https://covid19.mcmaster.ca/fall-term-classes-will-be-online-presidents-letter/ "Classes for the entire fall term will be online. With few exceptions students will not need to be on campus to take their courses. Undergraduate students entering the first year of their programs will not need to be on campus for the fall term with the exception of a limited number of health care professional courses. Students enrolling in such programs will receive additional information directly from their departments." 22 卡普顿大学 秋季学期所有课程都将在线上进行 https://www.cbu.ca/future-students/student-services/health-wellness/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-information/september-2020-information/ We have decided that the Fall 2020 semester at Cape Breton University will be delivered completely online. It is important to make this decision now, to provide time to adapt our operations and maintain our commitment to providing an exceptional student experience. 23 卡尔顿大学 秋季课程主要在线上进行 https://newsroom.carleton.ca/coronavirus-covid-19/faq/#GR2 We are preparing for a fall that will be mostly online, and we have already guaranteed to our incoming students that all first-year courses will be online in the fall term. Returning students starting to make their plans for the fall – with the exception of graduate students needing access to specialized research facilities – can also expect that their courses will be online. 24 西大国王学院 秋季课程将采取线上和面对面相结合的形式 https://www.kings.uwo.ca/about-kings/media-and-communications/newsroom/message-from-the-principal-regarding-fall-classes/ I am reaching out to you today to provide information on how we are planning to deliver courses, programs and services for fall 2020. We have decided to move ahead with a blended approach of online and in-person methods, with physical distancing. 25 菲莎河谷大学 秋季学期几乎所有课程都将在线进行 https://blogs.ufv.ca/urgent-news/2020/05/13/the-fall-plan-for-ufv-a-message-from-president-joanne-maclean/ Nearly all courses and assessments such as exams will be delivered in an online format for the Fall 2020 semester. 26 安大略艺术设计学院 秋季所有课程将通过远程授课提供 https://www.ocadu.ca/news/fall-2020-ocad-university-gears-welcome-new-and-returning-students This September, fall courses will be offered through remote delivery in all programs, a decision endorsed by the AERC. These courses are being designed to be flexible and accessible, serving students wherever they are located. 27 多伦多大学 计划通过混合模式来开展秋季学期,大课线上进行 https://www.utoronto.ca/uoft-roadmap Plans are being developed for a fall term that mixes smaller, on-campus courses, seminars, labs, and experiential learning, with larger online and remote courses and lectures. 28 曼尼托巴大学 秋季学期通过线上进行 http://umanitoba.ca/coronavirus The University has approved a plan to deliver all possible courses for the Fall Term online by remote learning, with very few exceptions 29 达尔豪斯大学 秋季学期将主要在线授课 https://www.dal.ca/novel-coronavirus.html The fall term will be predominantly online, with limited exceptions based on programs where extensive experiential learning forms part of the curriculum. 30 卡尔加里大学 将通过面对面,在线或远程学习相结合的方式提供 https://ucalgary.ca/risk/emergency-management/covid-19-response Instruction in the fall term of the University of Calgary will be provided through a combination of face-to-face and online or remote learning. 31 萨省大学 秋季学期将以远程学习为主要方式 https://updates.usask.ca/#Resources The University of Saskatchewan (USask) is planning for a primarily remote approach to program delivery this fall.


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