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    一、       面试时校方可能提出的问题


    1. 学术背景和初、高中学校(Your Academic Background and School

    1) 告诉我一些关于你的课程,你最喜欢的初、高中课程,为什么?哪一门课程对于你来说使最困难或最具挑战性?(Tell me something about your courses, what is your favorite subject in high school? WhyOr what courses have been most difficult or most challenging for you?
    2) 你喜欢你的初、高中学校吗?你是怎么描述你的学校的?(Do you like your high school? How would you describe your school?
    3) 你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么?(Who is  your favorite teacher? Why?

    4) 你取得的最大学术成就或经历过的最大失败是什么?(What is your greatest academic accomplishment or failure?
    2、个人生活(Personal Life)

    1)Please introduce yourself 自我介绍, 建议多突出自己的性格特点或特长

    2)What do you often do at weekend time?你周末一般做些什么?

    3) What do you often do after class at your present school?你在学校课间一般都做什么?
    4) Do you have any pets in your family? Do you like pets?你家里有宠物的照片吗?你喜欢宠物吗?
    5) Tell me something about your family.告诉我一些关于你家庭的事情。
    6)告诉我一些你自己的生活,包括你的家庭背景和你在哪里长大?(Tell me about yourself, including your family background and where you grew up?
    7)你最喜欢哪本书,最喜欢哪位作者,最欣赏哪一步电影或电视剧?为什么?(What is your favorite book, author, movie or TV? Why?
    8)你经常阅读哪一份杂志和报纸?(What magazines or newspapers do you read regularly?

    9)哪一个人对你的生活影响最大?(What person has most influenced you in your life?

    3.       关于课外活动(Your Extracurricular Activities

    1) What’s your favorite sport?你最喜欢什么运动?
    2) What activities do you often take part in at the school?在学校你经常参加什么活动?

    3) What is your favorite sports and classes?你最喜欢什么运动和课程?
    4) 哪项课外活动中你做的贡献最大?(What has been your greatest contribution to an

    extracurricular activity?
    5) Do you have any strengths and weakness? What are your strengths and weakness?你有什么优点和缺点?分别是什么?

    6) 你有什么爱好和特别感兴趣的事情?(Do you have any hobbies or special interests?

    7) 你如何描述自己的家乡?(How would you describe your hometown?


    4、关于高中的问题(Question About High School)
    1) How do you know the XXX School?你是怎么知道XXX学校的?
    2) What do you know of XXX School?关于XXX学校你都了解些什么?
    3) Which grade are you in now? Which grade will you take in our school?你现在在哪个年级?准备加入我们学校的哪个年级?
    4) 哪一项标准对你选择高中最重要?(What are your most important criteria in looking at High School?
    5你对于我们学校最感兴趣的是什么?为什么想来这所学校念书?(What is of the most interest to you about our school? Why do you want to attend this particular High School?
    6)你在课余时间都喜欢做什么?(What do you like to do in your free/spare time?
    7)你对我们学校最关注的课程是什么?(What did you like most about our school’s Academy?
    8) Do you think what contributions you will make for the XXX School?你会为学校做出什么贡献?
    9) What will you bring for the XXX School ?你能为学校带来什么?

    10你在大学里想学的专业是什么?(What do you think your major will be in college?

    11)你将来选择的事业目标是什么?(What are your future career goal?
    12)你还申请了哪所学校?(What other schools are you considering?
    13)我们为什么该录取你? Why should we accept you?
    14) What will you do after you graduate from the High School?你高中毕业之后想要做什么?
    15) Where is your dream University? What will you do for your dreams?你梦想的大学是什么?你会为你的梦想做出什么努力?
    16) What is your plan for your future life and Career?你对今后的学习和生活有什么安排?
    17) 有什么问题吗?(What questions do you have about XXX School
    18) Do you have any expectations from XXX School?你对学校有什么期望?


    1 以你的观点来看,这所学校在什么地方区别于其他学校?什么是学校的强项?(In your opinion, what makes this High School unique? What are the school’s strengths?)
    2 你如何描述该校的学生群体?(How would you describe the student body?
    3 在我结束面试之前,你认为有什么关于申请学校的主要事宜,我应该解释的?(Are there any major issues concerning my candidacy that you think I could usefully address before I finish my interview?)
    4. Do you have any suggestions about XXX School?你对学校有什么意见或建议?

    1. 如果申请准备参加面试(无论是电话面试还是校方来华教育展面试),面试之前一定要详细阅读该校的简介,并尽量记住该校的主要情况。让学校面试者有一种申请人确实对本校很感兴趣,是认真且有备而来的感觉。
    2. 面试之前最好能在熟悉的朋友面前进行一次面试练习,使自己增加信心。
    3. 将自己想说的事情列一个表,认真考虑如何措词并以适当的方式来表述自己的强项,不要过分张扬,也不要太过谦虚。在面试的时候,可以多谈一些你所参加的学校课外活动。你的兴趣爱好,曾经或正在参加的义务工作,社区活动。以及生活中对你有特殊影响的事件等等。如果是校方来华面试的话,可以带上自己的高中成绩单和简历,以便在介绍自己时作为备用材料给校方面试者作为辅助参考。如果是电话面试,可以事先把这些发给学校。尽量从正面的角度去谈论任何事情,让人感到你对人生有一种积极向上的乐观态度,不要随意批评或抱怨某人或某事。
    4. 要对自己写入申请表的内容很熟悉,并且有明确的解释。例如,如果你在申请表中的课外活动一栏中,提到你在初、高中假期参加一项很有意义的活动,但当面谈者让你详细谈谈这项活动时,你却又支支吾吾的说不明白,那面试者会对其真实性产生疑问,至少会认为你是在夸大其词,写得好却做的少。

    5. 如果是校方面试,则需要申请人在衣着,礼仪等细节下功夫。首先你要衣着得体大方,虽然不一定要西装革履,但也不能穿短裤,小背心,太短的裙子,太紧的上衣,拖鞋等,不化浓妆或洒太多的香水。不要边说话边吃口香糖。要彬彬有礼,语言文雅,态度认真,仔细聆听对方的问题不要打断对方的话。回答问题的时候一定要切题,不要漫无边际。可以略做铺垫,但是一定要在两、三句话中给予对方明确的答案。另外身体坐直,双目直视对方并且尽量保持放松。如果你在面试期间,不能一直正视对方,眼睛看着别处的话,会给人一种信心不足或者缺乏对对方信任的感觉。
    6. 最后,在面试结束后,尽快给校方面谈者发一封感谢的电子邮件,以示礼节性的感谢以加深自己在他心目中的印象。


    1. What's your name?  (Family name, surname, English name)

    2. How old are you?

    3. Which grade are you in? What is your school’s name? Is a public school or a private school? 

    4. Do you have any relatives in US? Do you have any relatives or family friends in USA?

    5. Where are you from? Where is your hometown?  Introduce your hometown

    6. Have you ever been to nations aside of China? Have you ever been abroad?  Tell me something. Which is your favorite country? Why?

    7. What's your favorite food?

    8. What's your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?

    9. Which is your favorite restaurant? What is your favorite American movie?

    10. What is your favorite pet? Why?

    11. Do you like read? What book did you read recently? Why do you like this book?

    12. What interests do you have except your class work?

    13. What sports do you play or like?

    14. What do your parents do for living?

    15. Are you the only child in your family?(Do you have any siblings)

    16. What's your best/worst quality (advantages and drawbacks)?

    17. What book did you read recently? Why do you like this book?

    18. Why do you want to study in USA?
    your parents, your life, your school

    19. Do you think who the best president of the US is?

    20. Do you think who the greatest leader in the world is? Why?

    21. Tell me something about your sicience classes.
    22. What subject is the last one when you choose to study?

    1. How long have you study English?

    2. Have you learned any courses in English?
    3. Do you need financial aid for your study?
    4. How much financial aid do you want for your study?
    5. Do you expect any financial aid in your future study?
    6. How long can your family support you to study in USA?
    7. Who will take care of you in USA?
    8. Who will be your guardian in USA?

    1. What makes you choose our school?

    2. Why do you want to choose our school?

    3. How do you find our school?

    4. What do you want from the school

    5. What makes you interested in our school?

    6. What makes you unique?/What will you bring to the school community?

    7. What do you want to do when you grow up? What do you want to study in college?

    8. What is educational goal of your school?

    9. What kind of students do your school most like?

    10. How many international students do your school have and how are they doing?

    11. How many honor or AP classes do your school provide?

    12. How many students are there in each class?

    13. How long have been studying English?

    14. What is your favorite subject? The last favorite subject is? Why?

    15. Who is your favorite teacher? why ?

    16. Do you want to live on campus or stay with local family? (Are you applying for day school or boarding school? why?)

    17. Are you now living with your parents or are you living by yourself?

    1. Do you have any questions for me?

    2. Any questions that you feel interested, the more the better.



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